A possible leo and my parents...ugh. :[



(WARNING- long rant!!)

My boyfriend was the one who got me into reptiles after he told me story after story of his past Bearded Dragon.

I had loved reptiles and dinosaurs as a kid, but had never had a reptile as a pet before.

After a little trip to a reptile store one night, I decided to do a search on google for "best reptiles for beginners" or something and a leopard gecko was always one of the first on the lists. So, I decided to research them and found myself growing more and more interested in them. After becoming a member of this forum, it was official: I wanted a leopard gecko!

BUT...my parents are the biggest opstical. I knew that they had made a new rule for pets about a year before. At first, it was a 'no more rats until you move out (I had about 3 rats)' then it moved to 'no more pets until you move out.' :(

This crushed me because...well, I have a huge passion for animals. I love them, and I don't think life is worth living without them. I am considering being a vet tech and devoting my life to them.
I mean, its not like I don't have any pets. My family currently has 3 cats, 2 dogs (one being an outside dog) and 1 bird.
I have 2 male betta fish, which are the only creatures that they have allowed me to have.
I love my fish dearly, but I miss holding a critter in my hands and having an actual bond with it and having complete responsibility for it.

I went to a bookstore one night with my mother to try to buy a book about geckos. I was planning on not letting her know about my book choice, but she found out and told me straight up "Your not getting a lizard."
On the car ride home, she asked me why I wanted one and I told her I had never had a reptile before and I was very interested in them. She told me that she was once interested in geckos before and read somewhere that they were mean. She also added she wasn't going to be the one to drive me around every week for their live food (I don't have a car or a license yet...but this is another can of worms). I told her my boyfriend understood and would bring me to the petstore if my gecko needed food. She still told me that I was not getting a lizard.

Later that night, my mom helped me order a gecko book online with a gift card because the store didn't have any of them. At first, she told me to 'reconsider my choice of book because I wasn't getting a lizard.' This comment seemed to just evaporate...she let me order the book without a single complaint.
After that whole thing, it got my hopes up because it seemed she was actually considering letting me have a leo.

A few days later, my dad comes home from work and my mom has me tell him what I kind of pet I want. He laughs and reminds me of the rule, and I ask why the heck it is so strict. He then begins to lecture me about 'how one becomes a slave to animals.' My mom starts once again asking questions about what they eat, how I will get food and what heat source they need. I also added that a UTH had less wattage then a heat lamp, and that seemed to impress them. She tells me that if I were to get a leo I would have to pay for everything. I tell her that that was what I was planning on doing! They wouldn't have to pay a penny, and they probably wouldn't even notice that I had one because they don't make noises or stink.

This conversation leads into how I basically suck at being a teenager. They tell me that I should save this money for other, more important things but they fail to tell me what they are. They continue to harp on me for not having a license, a car or a job yet (these things are both impossible for me right now - I need to have a job to buy a car. I only get paid $10 a week for chores - I need a bigger pay check then that to buy a freakin car. I live out in the country, so I would need a car to get to any kind of job. I have NO idea how I'm going to get enough money for college...).

After that small fiasco, I still have hope that by the time I graduate high-school they will let me get a gecko. I am legally an adult now, but by then I know that it will dawn on them that they could be a little more lenient on me.

This summer, a lot of things are happening for me: graduating highschool, trying to get a license, and possibly getting a job. By then I calculated that I would have saved up enough money to buy everything for a gecko, including the gecko itself.
Things might get a bit busy for me, but I am confident I would be able to properly care for one gecko and a few fish in my spare time. From what I have read, they are fairly low-maitenence reptiles and don't require as much human handling as a hamster or rat does.

I was planning on officially asking them about a leo this summer or after I graduate, but geez. I am not one with a lot of patience, and so far the suspense is killing me. You have no idea how tempted I am to just go up to one of them and ask them if I could make some kind of deal for a leo, but my boyfriend keeps reminding me that patience and time is essential with parents when you want something like a pet - begging or nagging just makes it worse.:main_lipsrsealed: So far I haven't brought up the subject of a leo unless they ask.

As of now, I am doing all I can to be especially good: no arguing, avoiding trouble at all costs, doing what they tell me without a word, keeping up my grades, keeping my room tidy, doing things they don't even ask me to do, not making huge messes - basically being a kiss up. lol. So far my mom has noticed a little, but my dad isn't around enough to acknowledge it because of work. I would love for them to realize that I'm a good kid who might deserve a small new pet, but this might be wishful thinking. :(

For those of you who have read this far, I give you a hugemongous cookie.
But you have no idea of how happy I would be with just one leo.:D :main_yes:
I went to a pet store the other day and held a leo for the first time - it was a male, and he was awesome. He looked very healthy and plump, and he was calm and just chilled in my hand while I held him. His skin texture was a lot different and better then I thought it would be. He licked my hand a few times, and I just stood there and beamed like an idiot. I asked the employee who had let me hold the leo if it was captive breed, and he said yes. I couldn't disagree, the little cutey was very tame.
I would have bought him if I had everything set up for him...but I know by the time I have the money saved, he will probably be gone. :(

How do those of you who still live with your parents persuade them to let you keep geckos? What "techniques" have you used to talk them into it? Does anybody have parents as strict as mine?! :anxious:
I just need some help with this...dealing with parents isn't my strong suit...:main_rolleyes:
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New Member
Barrie, Ontario
I'm going to be blatantly honest here and tell you that first, this is your parents house, and you need to respect that. Also, unless you have a job of your own to support your pets, then you really have to consider that you're putting the expense in their hands. All I have to say here is that you're 18, there's lots of time, just be patient.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I really empathize with your desire to have a leo. Here are some things to think about, though:
You have a lot of changes coming up in just a few months. Do you know where you'll be living in September? You could have your own apartment or even a dorm. You may be in a place where pets aren't allowed. It would be a shame if you manage to get a gecko and then have to give it up not that much later (there are other people on the forum who have had to do that and it was really painful). I know it's hard to wait, but if you can focus your energies on setting up the next stage of your life, getting a gecko could be one of your rewards.

Have you been able to take drivers ed? Does your high school offer it? Even if you can't buy a car, you can do all the preliminary work (I'm teaching my 16 year old twins to drive right now).

It sounds like you have some really exciting, if challenging, things coming up in the next few months and I hope one of them (after you're settled for next year) can also be a gecko.



I plan on living with my parents until I graduate college. The college I am going to is about 20 minutes away from my house, thankfully. I really want to avoid living in a dorm.
I might end up taking a year off before I start college to accumulate money for school...but anyway.

I have taken drivers ed. and I have a permit...I know how to drive, I just need more practice with driving in traffic and parking lol.
With my families current predicament, I would have tough luck practicing right now anyway. My dad works out of state, and my mom rarely has time to teach me in between her job and drives a stick, which I am pretty unenthusiastic about driving.


New Member
Virginia, USA
I'm going to be blatantly honest here and tell you that first, this is your parents house, and you need to respect that. Also, unless you have a job of your own to support your pets, then you really have to consider that you're putting the expense in their hands. All I have to say here is that you're 18, there's lots of time, just be patient.

I agree. Maybe you could start looking for a job, even if you don't have the license yet, and show them you have the initiative and responsibility for it.

I still live with my parents, but I am paying for my cost of living for the most part. Try showing them pictures of the ones you think are pretty (just to have general conversation with) and by golly tell them about them! They ARE ridiculously easy to take care of, and not only that they are incredibly sweet. They eat often (mine eat 5 small mealworms or a few bigger ones) when they are younger, but as they mature they often only eat a few times a week! They are very easy to take care of.

If nothing else, save up your money start getting the tank, etc. and get a really nice one when the time comes! There are several breeders that advertise with lower prices on these forums, especially now with the new hatchling season coming up, to make room for others they have.

Be patient with the whole thing. Better to live where you have a roof over your head for free AND an allowance than somewhere where you couldn't afford it. =) Be thankful that you still have parents that are willing to house you even though you are 18. Some don't and boot you out as soon as you hit that mark. Good luck!


I have looked for jobs before, but I haven't had any luck...this is when living out in the country really sucks.
I showed my mom of a picture of a Raptor while browsing the genetics section of this forum. She agreed with me that it was pretty, but that was as far as the conversation went. I'm kinda afraid to push the subject of a leo...a big fat NO will probably be my reward for that. I just have to wait until they bring it up...

I just started a gecko fund, and currently have $13.80 saved...heh. I might have an old 10g out in my shed if my mom didn't give all of them away....


New Member
surrey bc canada
I agree with the above and If your not working right now and have to save up for the gecko what happens when there is a health emergency and it needs a vet and you dont have time to save? It is your parents home and you have to respect there rules.
i also agree with the above what a great idea to start buying supplies now tank, uth, thermometers, hides makes it soo much easier when you have everything before hand and makes the expense seem less when you just have the gecko to buy. who knows get all the set up together your parents may change there mind after seeing it there empty lol.


New Member
Be Patient geckos aren't going to disappear if you don't get one right now. Get yourself situated first then worry about getting a gecko there's no need to step on your parents toes now, just take the time to learn all you can and then the time will come.

I'm so happy I don't have this problem since I get my animal infatuation from my mother, lol. But she did limit things to 20gallon long tanks. I tried pushing the idea of a bearded dragon and she was like um maybe one day but not now, lol because we have no room for it.


Est; 1992
London, UK
I had that problem with my parents when i first got into reptiles, it was your allowed one snake, so i got 2 more, then it was ok 3 but no more, and slowly but surely they could see i was reponsible for all of them, they came first before ANYTHING, (which my girlfriend is NOT happy about haha) so they became more relaxed now I have 10 well cared for herps.


New Member
Northeast USA
Hate to say it, but if you live with your parents it is their rules. Even if you live at a dorm it can still be their rules because you go home for winter break. That's my situation, and I'm 21, the parents are ok with the gecko but my mother has this bias against certain legless reptiles=no snake for me. Being legally an adult means NOTHING to parents, you are still "their baby" (at least as long as you are financially dependant on them).

I'd say wait until you get the job and a car to get the leo, show them that you can afford it and be responsible. And in the meanwhile, educate them, tell them everyhting you can about reptiles, how easy they are to care for, natural history, fun factoids, conservation efforts. And if, while you're telling them this, they say "You're not getting a reptile." just say that "Why yes, you're NOT getting one YET, but you're reading up on them becasue they interest you, and oh aren't they fascinating". Honestly, starting college and finishing college are very turbulent times, you don't know where in the country you could end up; you could transfer schools for a better program, or study abroad for a semester. Even if you just go away for spring break you'll need a gecko sitter. Take your time and save your money, and then when you do get a gecko you'll be more than ready.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Hate to say it, but if you live with your parents it is their rules. Even if you live at a dorm it can still be their rules because you go home for winter break. That's my situation, and I'm 21, the parents are ok with the gecko but my mother has this bias against certain legless reptiles=no snake for me. Being legally an adult means NOTHING to parents, you are still "their baby" (at least as long as you are financially dependant on them).

I'd say wait until you get the job and a car to get the leo, show them that you can afford it and be responsible. And in the meanwhile, educate them, tell them everyhting you can about reptiles, how easy they are to care for, natural history, fun factoids, conservation efforts. And if, while you're telling them this, they say "You're not getting a reptile." just say that "Why yes, you're NOT getting one YET, but you're reading up on them becasue they interest you, and oh aren't they fascinating". Honestly, starting college and finishing college are very turbulent times, you don't know where in the country you could end up; you could transfer schools for a better program, or study abroad for a semester. Even if you just go away for spring break you'll need a gecko sitter. Take your time and save your money, and then when you do get a gecko you'll be more than ready.

+1 Also, it might help to make sure they don't think all lizards are the same. A leo is very different than a tokay or a croc monitor. Folks that don't keep them may lump them all into one big group and hate and fear them all.


New Member
Are you sure you're 18? You sound quite childish and one-minded. You live in your parents' house, you have to follow their rules.

If your parents want you to have a job, ask them if you got a job, would they be able to drive you there? My parents had to do that for a while. I didn't get my license till I was 22, but only because I didn't want it. I still had a job from the day I was 18. I never got paid an allowance, either so you're $10, is more than I ever got paid without a job. See if they will take you to your job if you can get one. Find out who is offering employment, and go ahead and have that list available when you ask, so that you can tell your parents, "I have called around and place A, B, C, and D, are all looking for someone to work, if I apply for the job(s), would you be able to take me and pick me up." Have the days and times ready to. If they can't take you, see if you can find an alternate source, like having your boyfriend pick you up or take you home, if they can't do both. Like if your parents can take you to work, but can't pick you up, see if you can have a friend take you home, or vice versa. Save your money so that you can get a car.

It's actually smart to practice driving, so that you can go ahead and get your license so that you can have it when you've saved enough to buy a car. You can find good cars for a few grand or less, if you just look. People are desperate for money, so you'll find good deals if you look. My boyfriend found an F350 for like $500 and an F150 for like $300 bc the guy needed money bad; they were older models but in great shape.

Try to show your parents that you're responsible. Just because you want a gecko, doesn't mean that you can really afford it or need it.

My bad advice: I push my parent's limits. Always have. I tell them I'm getting something, and if they don't say 'no,' then I get it. This isn't ideal for everyone, but I know my parents and know I wouldn't get kicked out. If I did, my grandparents live next door, so I wouldn't have to go far. Plus, my dad would get a talking to from his mom for kicking me out.
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New Member
far side of sanity
being as im 16 as my parents were always "no pets except fish"
i have to say work on them.
at 6 i got the neighbor to give me a puppy..
after they left for the weekend i showed my parents :)
after that we bred labs for a couple years..
over that couple years i had frogs, toads, hermit crabs, fish, rabbits, chickens, ants, and sea monkeys.
when i got to be 11 they got divorced and my dad allowed me to have rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, guinea pigs, ferrets, and anoles (not all at once of course)
and my mom allowed cats at her house.
about a 2 years ago i got my first leos. and it was "one only"..
well that 20gal long was plenty big for 2 sooooooo
1 became 2. they didnt realize there were 2 till about 3 months after i got the 2nd one.
and now theyve given up. at my dads house i have 3 leos, soon to be getting more, plus a hamster.
and at moms i have 6 cats and a dog :)
keep trying!!
but be respectful about it.
explain how an animal keeps you company when theyre not home (it doesnt sound like they are much) and maybe that will convince them of another animal.

but something else u need to do:
have the money for the vet bills and food etc.
i work at a petstore and job shadow at a vets office (they pay me alil) so i can take care of my pets, and my parents are willing to help (to an extent).
keep that in mind.
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New Member
Ontario Canada
I always wanted pets when I was younger too, but my parent's weren't big on them. I really think it's a good idea to wait. Make it a long term goal, and learn as much as you can about them until then. You'll be a pro by the time you get one. My biggest concern is your lack of income. What if it gets sick? Can you afford the $100+ it will cost to have it seen by a competent reptile vet? You shouldn't expect your parents to pay for that. I think you do best to wait until you have a decent income first unless you can get your parents to give you one as some type of reward and agree to be financially responsible for it.


New Member
ariana, with all those pets, I'm surprised you still don't have those that have longer lives. Chinchillas live up to 10-15, and ferrets 7-10.

Definitely be respectful and adult.


New Member
far side of sanity
i take in rescues from animal shelters. most of the pets i have had were sick, old, or had special needs. i have never rescued a baby animal, theyre more likely to be rehomed. the youngest rescue ive taken in was an estimated 5 year old ferret who was blind. except waylon whom im not sure how old he is. i dont go out and get cute fuzzy babies i take in the ones who will be put down because no one else wants to give them the time of day.


New Member
Washington, DC
Even though I'm totally moved out now, I still have to ok getting an animal with my parents. Why? Because they are my back up for pet sitters. It's important to have someone who will take care of your animals if you go away. Especially being younger, you might want to go somewhere for a few weeks or months- heck, do a semester abroad or something. Who will take care of your pets then?

Also having money set up for medical problems is key. The gecko might not have any and pass in the night... but more likely something will come up that is >$100 of vet care needed.


I'm quite sure I'm 18.

It turns out, I had a good talk with my parents yesterday and they agreed to let me have only one leo. :D
I honestly could't believe it...
I can't wait. I found an aquarium and a small food dish so far.
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