
New Member
Found this lil baby late this afternoon, small and chunky with some egg sack still on him but cute and spunky so dark except for that yellow stripe and yellow sides :D :main_laugh:



Momma Halloween Mask * Zorra and Daddy halloween mask * Zeek
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
What are your pairings for this baby and the last one you posted? I ask because my hypo Mack snow x snow blizzard are producing babies that look just about the same.




New Member
The baby that hatched today and is pictured in the first post- parents are halloween masks, the babys stripe and sides are dark yellow, the baby I posted the other day and I will picture here is bold halloween mask x bold stripe snow, and his stripe and sides are white. , Theres a definite difference.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
Thanks. I did see that the 2 you posted are different. It's interesting to me that in all my years of breeding stripes and snows I had never gotten the black with a white stripe look (usually the snows are white with a black stripe to each side of midline). Not only that, but these babies are coming from non stripe parents, though I don't know the whole genetic history of the snow blizzard mother. I'm very curious to see how they'll look in a few months.


Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
How so Chris? Let's see the difference.

I apologize for bumping this back up, but the quote above has been brought to my attention, so I will address it. My original quote about them looking "different" was just that….they look "different" than my Halloween Masks when they hatch. I wasn't saying anything negative about them, just making an observation. Am I not allowed to say that? I have hatched LOTS of Halloween Masks and mine all seem to have a bright yellow and dark black to them when hatched. The cute little chunk that Eve posted, just looked a little different than mine when they hatch. For some reason this got back to the creator of Eve's geckos who produced this little one and thought I was disrespecting their geckos (which just happen to be Eve's HM's now). Gee, I wonder who could have told her??? This WAS NOT THE CASE at all! I think that Eve's breeders who created this particular gecko are AWESOME examples of the Halloween Mask morph. I just wanted to set the record straight that I meant no disrespect at all to Eve's baby or the parents and especially not to the person who created them. They are beautiful little Halloween Masks. It's absolutely unbelievable that I even have to clarify this. The leopard gecko community is so full of drama these days! I swear they love it, just like back in high school! I mean seriously, grow up people!

Now for what mine look like when they hatch…..And yes, I think they look "different". Is that bad to say???? :main_huh:





Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
Hey now Chris...they don't look "different", that might actually imply that there are variables in morphs. Stop your common sense non sense. The drama cracks me up and its a shame that everything is done behind your back and no one will confront anyone about issues. Keep on trucking bro and hit them AFT and give me a few.


New Member
I agree Chris they do look different lol.

Your third guy looks the closest to my baby after about a week. I think we both have gorgeous kids, and I hope this stops here. I believe there was just a mix up as to if my breeding pair (Zeek and Zorra) were pure halloweens. They were origianlly bred by PacHerps, who has done some amazing work with this bloodline, I was tickled pink to get them.

** Anyway I hope this STOPS here, I want no problems with anyone over a picture I posted for enjoyment. The baby pic was just meant to bring a smile to peoples faces, when it stops doing that, then theres no point in being here. I say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all and to all a GOOD night :main_laugh:
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Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I agree Chris they do look different lol.

Your third guy looks the closest to my baby after about a week. I think we both have gorgeous kids, and I hope this stops here. I believe there was just a mix up as to if my breeding pair (Zeek and Zorra) were pure halloweens. They were origianlly bred by PacHerps, who has done some amazing work with this bloodline, I was tickled pink to get them.

** Anyway I hope this STOPS here, I want no problems with anyone over a picture I posted for enjoyment. The baby pic was just meant to bring a smile to peoples faces, when it stops doing that, then theres no point in being here. I say HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all and to all a GOOD night :main_laugh:

Amen to that Eve! It's sad how juvenile some of these gecko people can be. I've always given mad props to all the breeders I've dealt with and for someone to go behind my back and tell her lies, well that says a lot about them. And yes, I know who did it. Karma is coming. :main_thumbsup:

Keep hatching out your beautiful baby's Eve!


New Member
Hey Chris, I have nothing to hide buddy, being new to halloween mask BABYS and not knowing exactly what they looked like, I went to my breeder of the halloweens, and did ask if mine were originally bred by her after seeing the post , saying they were different.

I gave " no names" just focused on my baby and was given knowledge on what a halloween baby looks like and that the baby was a perfect representative of the bloodline and that I should be very happy, And I was I think they are awesome.

End of story, I'm not interested in squabbles, Drama, or saying he said , she said in a vicious manner, EVER. I have been on forums and moderated on KS for Many Many years without incident. So let it stop here with me , And lets move on and enjoy our geckos.

Wild West Reptile

Leopards AFT Ball Pythons
San Jose, CA
I'm sorry you thought I meant you. Lol! No eve...it wasn't you. As I told you via PM, everything is fine. I think you misunderstood who I was talking about. See how forums can be! Take care.

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