Lets try this again. LOL! I am very interested on what makes a Tangelo a Tangelo. According to the breeder of the albino strain that lives in texas ( can I say that? ) a Super tangelo is and I Quote:The "Supers" have the tangerine taking over the lighter body bands as it grows." And from my visual inspection the ones called Tangelos not "supers" have more white body markings. So the "super" doesn't imply the Giant genetics but the saturation of Orange coloring. With all this said what is a Tangelo exactly? I've made geckos that look very similar to the "TANGELO" but from R.A.P.T.OR genes and SUNGLOWS. (See Photos below) Is it just me or don't they look like TANGELOs? Anybody care to help with what they know from experience with these awesome geckos.
Thanks, Eric
Thanks, Eric