a tiny little ray of hope!

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I have had only 1 egg in my incubator for almos 3 months, and we had a major power failure a couple of weeks ago, and it was C-O-L-D for over 12 hours before the heat came back on. I kept checking that little egg, and on Christmas it started smelling bad and was starting to mold over.

The following morning, I candled the egg and saw a large baby with little yolk. I started to scratch on the egg where there was a bunch of mold, and the egg expoded! OMG, there was a huge mass of greenish liquid and a tiny little baby that popped out into my hand. I though it was dead, but when I wiped it with a tissue, it started to move!!!

I put it in a deli cup on wet paper towel, and put it back in the incubator. The next morning, I expected the little one to have died, but it was still alive... it couldn't walk, but was alive. I hardly even had any pigment... it was almost tranparent, and little N. levis babies are usually born solid black!

Well, it's 4 days later, and this little wee one is just now walking on it's own and getting it's pigment! I slurry-fed the little one yesterday, and it pooped for the first time this morning. I think this tiny thing is going to make it!


The Progress pictures will continue when that gecko makes it to my house? Isn't that right Marcia ;)


I'm glad you shared this story, Marcia! It's so encouraging when little miracles like this happen. :)

oh, and yeah... some super rockin' awesome photographer took those pics. ;) lol. I couldn't resist... it was just too cute!

Keep us updated on this little one!


Oh wow look at that lil guy!

I wonder if he would of survived had you not accidently popped the egg? I mean if that liquid inside was that nasty. Could of killed him had you not?

He/shes a lil trooper thats for sure.

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