Actual None Patterned Raptors


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Not saying I hit the jack pot right of the bat, but it is possible to have completely patternless raptors. Its all about line breeding.
Hopefully they will stay that way. if their parents are any indication they should stay clean. and keep this wonderful patternless look. no murphy's here.
Clean Raptors





-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Rubyeyed Albino Patternless Stripe Tremper Orange

I conker someone should have chosen his words more wisely seance there already was a patternless on the market.

But hay he came up with a cool acronym. marketing marketing marketing.

Lake Worth, FL
Not saying I hit the jack pot right of the bat, but it is possible to have completely patternless raptors. Its all about line breeding.

+1 +1 +1 +1 +1!!! lol :thumbsup:

I couldn't wholeheartedly agree more!

I have quite the sexy lookin little female RAPSTOR myself... albsolutely clean patterned... 100% red eyes, str8 orange on the whole body and head, and a 100% Carrot Tail... now thats what i call a Raptor! I'm quite proud of her as i'm sure you are of this gorgeous gecko! Keep up the good work! Maybe people like us that are going for the "true" Raptor look can weed out all that other "Raptor" bull that is being marketed and sold out there, lol...
Winter Garden FL.
Well Robin what would you call a gecko that came from a pattrenless raptor x pattrenless raptor breeding that has solid red eyes and is Banded. I know its a raptor because I own the parents and the offspring come out patternless raptor. You can't call it a aptor nor can you call it a het raptor. Explain to me what these ( Banded and Jungle pattern) geckos should be called. And Chris, can you explain your comments better. Show me a standard that states if a raptor shows any pattern or doesn't have a full carrot tail that it is as you call it (Bull). I really don't understand why some people have to throw stones at other peoples progress. Not all geckos are going to look the same. And if they did, well it would be just boring like the all white geckos. People of the same race and gene pool doesn't look the same so why would you think that geckos from the same gene pool would.
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Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
Well Robin what would you call a gecko that came from a pattrenless raptor x pattrenless raptor breeding that has solid red eyes and is Banded. I know its a raptor because I own the parents and the offspring come out patternless raptor. You can't call it a aptor nor can you call it a het raptor. Explain to me what these ( Banded and Jungle pattern) geckos should be called. And Chris, can you explain your comments better. Show me a standard that states if a raptor shows any pattern or doesn't have a full carrot tail that it is as you call it (Bull). I really don't understand why some people have to throw stones at other peoples progress. Not all geckos are going to look the same. And if they did, well it would be just boring like the all white geckos. People of the same race and gene pool doesn't look the same so why would you think that geckos from the same gene pool would.

Ron Tremper created the Raptors and he lists Banded Raptors on his website......

Lake Worth, FL
And Chris, can you explain your comments better. Show me a standard that states if a raptor shows any pattern or doesn't have a full carrot tail that it is as you call it (Bull). I really don't understand why some people have to throw stones at other peoples progress. Not all geckos are going to look the same. And if they did, well it would be just boring like the all white geckos. People of the same race and gene pool doesn't look the same so why would you think that geckos from the same gene pool would.

Nooo no no no no... you got me all wrong, lol... thats not what i meant by any means. Let me re-word it for you...

I'm simply a firm believer, that if the morph is not what it is originally created and named to be, then it is not that morph. Some may call it stubborness, but i call it giving respect to the people that 1st created it and made it that way... being as they are the person that created it to essentially be that, then they should have the right to have their work correctly labeled as so if other people choose to work with those particular morphs. Period.

So like wise, i am one that believes that if it aint a Raptor, then it aint a Raptor. In other words, i believe that combining the Eclipse gene and the Tremper Albino gene by themselves does NOT create a R.A.P.T.OR. - It creates a Tremper Albino Eclipse. A true Raptor was orginally made by what the name's acronym stands for, so by right, to be called a Raptor, it should be exactly that. So if it doesn't have the Patternless Stripe gene, it isn't a Raptor either. It has just become common "understanding" these days that a Tremper Albino Eclipse is a "Raptor", when indeed it really is not... this is only because it makes an animal that has pretty much the same "look" as a Raptor. And i know that Ron Tremper has geckos on his site that are Junle Raptors, and Banded Raptors... But i'll bet you that they still have all the genes in them that a Raptor originally has.... Just in those cases, the Banded "patterning/gene" or Jungle Pattern was added in or came from a breeding where the other mate carried the genes, and it got passed along on top of all the other Raptor genes. Banded Raptors, or Jungle Raptors are still Raptors, just have another Gene added on top of it... as long as it is labeled as that, then ok... It's no different than having a Mack Raptor... If i were to go by what you said, then because it is a "Mack Raptor", then it's not a Raptor anymore because it has the Mack Snow gene added to it...?!?!? No, it just has a gene added into the mix.

And i never said that if a Raptor shows any pattern, or doesn't have a full carrot tail, then it is not a Raptor. U read that completely wrong. All that was being done there, was me stating how nice of a Raptor "specimen" i had. lol... I never said there is a standard for that, i was stating how proud i was of one that i had. That did not mean that if anyone out there has less of a quality Raptor than mine, then it wasn't a Raptor.... come on now, lol

Lake Worth, FL
...what i meant by "Raptor Bull"... was in reference to the bull that people are selling as Raptors. Which are what i stated previously as... Tremper Albino Eclipses (with no other genes... just those) sold as Raptors.

Lake Worth, FL
Any given rate, there are whole separate threads on these very topics, so check those out, cuz i don't want to be responsible for this guys thread being spammed up with Raptor thoughts/views talk, lol... There is one about Mack Raptors, and also one on Raptors and the acronym for it...

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
...what i meant by "Raptor Bull"... was in reference to the bull that people are selling as Raptors. Which are what i stated previously as... Tremper Albino Eclipses (with no other genes... just those) sold as Raptors.

As I understand it though, Eclipse came from Patternless Stripe, so couldn't it be said that if it has Eclipse in it, Patternless Stripe is also present, though maybe not clearly expressed since it is a line bred trait?


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
Nice R.A.P.T.O.R.s. I really like the Leo in the last pic. The simple fact is that with R.A.P.T.O.R.s there are so many genes for so many traits all present in one morph that the look of the R.A.P.T.O.R. is bound to vary. If you follow the acronym word for word than there would be practically no Snow R.A.P.T.O.R.s because the Snow gene, in most cases, eliminates the carrot tail from the equation. Things will never be cut and dry with R.A.P.T.O.R.s. Ruby Eyed Reverse Stripes often come from R.A.P.T.O.R. breedings and have essentially the same genetic makeup, yet are considered different because of their phenotype although they may be genetically equal. Nothing will ever be written in stone when dealing with genetic combinations such as the R.A.P.T.O.R. There is always going to be variation within the R.A.P.T.O.R. morph.
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New Member
Well Robin what would you call a gecko that came from a pattrenless raptor x pattrenless raptor breeding that has solid red eyes and is Banded. I know its a raptor because I own the parents and the offspring come out patternless raptor. You can't call it a aptor nor can you call it a het raptor. Explain to me what these ( Banded and Jungle pattern) geckos should be called. And Chris, can you explain your comments better. Show me a standard that states if a raptor shows any pattern or doesn't have a full carrot tail that it is as you call it (Bull). I really don't understand why some people have to throw stones at other peoples progress. Not all geckos are going to look the same. And if they did, well it would be just boring like the all white geckos. People of the same race and gene pool doesn't look the same so why would you think that geckos from the same gene pool would.
i would call it a tremper albino eclipse or jungle tremper albino eclipses.

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