Ant invasion!!!


New Member
Miami, FL
So I woke up this morning and there are ants everywhere! All over the place! Now, I don't keep my house dirty, but it certainly isn't the cleanest either. With 10 animals, and the fact that TJ and I both work and go to school, it's a bit difficult at times.

What on earth do you guys do about insect problems? I'm afraid to use anything in the house around my geckos. Is there anything "safe"? I've tried those ant traps, and they don't really seem to work. I'm so aggravated...i'm literally walking around and smooshing each and every little one with my fingers. I feel so stupid. :eek:


caffeine zombie
caulk up any entry points... the ants at my place come from where the wall doesn't quite meet the floor, but since i'm a renter i can't caulk it. sticky duct tape can work too, but it has to be really sticky so the ants will get stuck when they touch it. you can also use fly paper/ mouse glue traps at entry points and stop them in their tracks.

this time of year ants come in foraging for food, they can smell really well so it's almost impossible to remove any attractants for them. i don't suggest using bait traps inside the house as they are attractants and the poison is not initially lethal to them. they can carry this poison around and come in contact with pets.


New Member
phew! I thoguht you meant the ants were invading in the gecko's tank! lol

We've used chalk before. I'm assuming it's the same effect as the flour. They won't cross it.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Back in Virginia we used crushed up cornflakes. We had a mild ant infestation around the fridge (not IN the fridge, thankfully). We left a small pile of cornflakes crumbs behind the fridge and within a few days we hardly saw any ants. Apparently ants can't digest corn, but that doesn't stop them from trying. When they take it back to the nest and everyone eats it, they get impacted, to say the least, and die.

Hope that helps.

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