anybody ever keep or even heard of these guys before? edit: disturbing photo link


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
The subject of any herp species with a natural diet consisting of other herps can be a sore subject on many levels.

Take for instance hognose and kingsnakes. We keep them and give them a diet of rodents, not something that they would have consistently in their diet if they were in the wild. It could also be one of the reasons hognose don't live as long in captivity as they do in the wild. But who wants to try to keep up with the hognose's natural diet of frogs or the kingsnakes diet of other snakes, lizards and frogs? My husband and I have both Kingsnakes and Hognose snakes and Ken does offer them their natural herp diet when he can.

Whether Legless "Lizards" or "Geckos" I find them very interesting. I do know there are some that are indigenous to the states and would love to come across some while out field herping one day.


Bells Rule!
To say its ok would mean that you would think buying a litter of kittens and feeding them off to a large snake would be just fine??

Because thats exactly what that way of thinking suggests.
Like i said, the link itself with info and regular pics would have been great hey, but putting a pic like that on it just ruined it imo.r



New Member
Saint Louis, MO
Thanks for the link. Cool site and animals.

I have caught and kept legless lizards in Greece, Russia, and Florida. I really like the ones I have had.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
Sure the link itself would have been alright if not for that purely controversial pic that the the author obviously knew would get these types of reactions.

who do you mean by author?

if you mean the person who wrote the OP, then you should read the whole thread, becuase im not going to explain again.

if you mean the person who's site i linked to, then maybe you should check out the whole site. the person whos website i linked to is a phd studying geckos and has put the legless lizards in the gecko family through dna analysis.

he probably just feeds it leo's becuase leo's are easy to keep and breed.

either way, you shouldnt jump to conclusoin, especially when your conclusion leads to insulting somebody else.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
As i said before, i am merely stating my opinion, nothing more. Weather you have one or several degrees or phd's dose not excuse you from doing the wrong thing.

Again, as previously stated I am not trying to offend or insult anyone and did mention that the site itself and the information on the legless lizard or gecko in this case would have been good, better without the pic.



Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
As i said before, i am merely stating my opinion, nothing more. Weather you have one or several degrees or phd's dose not excuse you from doing the wrong thing.

really, its my fault for posting the site here on this forum.

otherwise i see nothing "wrong" with what the author did. do you eat meat? if you do, then i dont see how you can think what he did was wrong. people still eat dog and horse in different parts of the world.

in india cows are sacred and they would be horrified at the thought of eating one.

while it was stupid of me to post a link from here to the site with a leo getting eaten, i dont see anything the author did as inherently "wrong".

also, i fully agree with the statement that it does not matter how many phd's you have, wrong is still wrong. at the university i attend i have heard horror storys about the experiments they do to primates. while i think that sometimes these experiments might be necessary so that you dont have to do it to people, for the most part i think most of the experiments conducted dont need to be done. the prestige a scientist gains from primate research does not make up for torturing a creature as smart as a chimp. and many of things they do sound like pure torture to me. also, they way they keep the chimps sounds worse than how we keep our geckos. for example, the primates dont even get a hide.

but thats not really the point.

anyways, i think its ok to kill and eat animals, so long as it is not done needlessly or cruelly.

Again, as previously stated I am not trying to offend or insult anyone and did mention that the site itself and the information on the legless lizard or gecko in this case would have been good, better without the pic.


really its no worries i guess. as long as people realize it was never my intent to offend.
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Aussie Reptile Keeper
Its all good, no worries mate;)

One of the many good thing about this online community is that although at times we don't always see eye to eye we can discuss and put forward our opinions in a peaceful manner and although it can get heated the members here at most times are able to Settle or resolve a dispute or disagreement like good mates.

lol wish the same could be said about the great substrate debate, man i doubt that one will ever end, there will always be those that are anti sand/loose substrate and those including myself that are pro sand and loose substrate.

lol such is life.
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New Member
The Superfamily Gekkota consists of the following families:

Pygopodidae-Australasian Legless Lizards (Legless Geckos)
Gekkonidae- Old World Geckos
Eublepharidae- Eyelid Geckos (Leos)
Carphodactylidae- Australian/New Guinea Geckos
Diplodactylidae- Australian/ Oceania Geckos
Phyllodactyllidae- New World Leaf Toe Geckos
Sphaerodactylidae- New World Day Geckos and Old World Relatives

The animal which was eating the leo was a Lialis burtoni and is a specialized lizard eater, but in Australia it would eat Skink and Diplodactylus geckos. I had a breeding pair and they were relatively easy to take care not much different than that of a leo except they had to eat lizards and I fed them house geckos. They are a very interesting animal and family of animals but as they are native to Australia they aren't readily available in the US and the only two species I've ever seen are Lialis burtoni and Lialis jicari. The family Pygopodidae also has no eyelids just like the geckos.


New Member
thats so sad but everyones gotta eat, i have balls and like some the rats i feed them so.....

laughing dog

wow. i should put up a pic of someone with a mc donalds burger in their mouth, off a sign people see every time they go out. bet itd make a lot of people cry out..... seriously! its a waste of a cute lizard, but im told to deal that most feed house geckos. most freak that i feed rat pups to my leos(i wouldnt let the opposit happen though).

laughing dog

most if not all geckos are cannibals right??? ive seen and heard of most non desired at the time leos being fed off, even the precious solid black ones with red eyes everyone wants now(look around the Milwaukee, WI. area). it was sad to me, but at the time at least all you who are screaming about them, thought they looked ugly, evil, and disgusting.

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