Sorry, I completely forget I said I'd post some tokay pics. I snapped a few of a pair today, sorry for the crappy pic quality, but tokays don't enjoy having their picture taken and won't tolerate manipulation, so lighting can be an issue, lol. This is an adult pair, male(Demon) is CB, 2 years old, female(Ying) is WC, she was quite young when i got her, so I estimate her to be just over a year. There was originally a trio in this setup(Demon, Ying, and her sister, Yang) but when Demon and Ying pair-bonded they decided Yang wasn't welcome and chased her something awful. She now lives with a younger, smaller male and they will hopefully bond and produce some young of their own. Tokays are very interesting behavior-wise, Demon and Ying hang out together constantly, and spend a lot of time interacting via mutual grooming(licking) and head-shaking/tail wagging displays. As you can see, they have decided they are comfortable enough to start a family.
Demon and Ying hangin out in their favorite corner
Ying (Demon's on egg-guarding duty)
Eggs in their "protective" cup
Their viv, a converted Glass fronted Bookcase 3ftX1.5ftX4ft
these are my two skunk geckos (Gekko Vittatus) I got them from an exotic pet store, they are a mating pair the first clutch didn't take unfortunately but we will try again!
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Chuck and Anabelle
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just Chuck
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the two again
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and the terrarium
they are a hardy little gecko they like fairly high humidity 65 to 75% temps are mid 80s in the day and mid 70s at night they are very active as well:main_thumbsup::main_yes:
I have a Desert Horned Lizard, wc from Nevada. He eats harvester ants ordered from Texas and Idaho. We had some good photos of him but sadly lost all our pictures in a pc crash. Little Floyd is hiberrating now so can't get any new shots of him for a couple months.
Oops and a pile of pythons, colubrids, and boas. No hots or special permit animals. We breed most of the feeders for the snakes but still have to buy some for the freezer just in case the weather changes and they don't produce enough.
other than the leos and rachs (two species) I picked up a p.klemmeri and i am in love with this gecko, he is appropriately named Dash
I also picked up an Odura Castelnaui (I can not spell the name correctly), velvet gecko. Australian species I believe. He eats bugs like its no ones business. He wont let me watch him eat, but I put the bugs in around dusk or dark and they are gone in the morning. Fascinating gecko, I need to get closeups of his feet. His name is Simon. He also needs a harem of ladies.