Bad weight loss



Hello all. For about 6 weeks, my male full grown leo has shown terrible weight loss, and i am here searching for any health regarding fattening him back up to his normal self. I have gathered the approperiate information I could for you all to understand his situation. I hope something can be done about this.

First of all, I have had the leo for about a yr 1/2, and have never noticed any sickness. Here is a picture if Ronaldo at good health.

This is how he has looked for the past month.


All bones like his hip, spine are all visible as he is very skinny.

notice dark spot in his stomach, as well as light black skin spots.

Here's a pic of how his poo usually looks. The white(pee?) is usually solid. occasionally (2-3 times this month) didnt digest his food and it came out hole (notice the worm)

About 3 weeks ago, i took him to a vet and they gave him 3 different types of medicine. One was to deworm, one was b12 (energy). i'm unsure of the 3rd. One of them was rubbed on his mouth, other was a shot.

as for his food. Before his sickness, i fed crickets and mealies. Now that he has been sick, he will not eat any mealworms (maybe had one that just wiggled the wrong way), but he will occasionally eat crickets. Since he's been sick I picked up wax worms, as they are very fatty and i want him to gain weight again. He loves them, but still does not eat as much as he should. I also have noticed he hardly lays on his heating pad anymore.

If anyone needs any more details, please ask!
I appreciate any input!


Thanks for the quick reply. I feel that the vet did not know much about geckos, but did give him that medicine to start me off.

Thanks for the suggestion on the slurry. I came across that thread and it says it is not a medicine, so I figured it would not cure whatever the problem is.

I currently powder my crickets/wax worms with Rep-Cal's Calcium(2/3 the time) and Multivitamins(1/3 the time).

The gecko has been this thin for over a month. He is still very bright and 'energetic'. He is curious and wonders around very much. That is a good sign, but he does not gain any weight.


Mesa, Arizona
maybe check locally to see if there is any exotic pets only, vets, did he do a fecal exam?

and the slurry is good at helping them to gain some weight, and get some nutrients in his system.


Amber7399 said:
maybe check locally to see if there is any exotic pets only, vets, did he do a fecal exam?

and the slurry is good at helping them to gain some weight, and get some nutrients in his system.

They did not ask for his poo. They also charged me 120$ US for the medicine. I will search for more local businesses that may beable to help. I was just wondering if any other members have had a weight problem here.


he sure has been eating much better than the past few weeks.
2 days ago he popped down 3 wax worms. yesterday 2 crickets and 1 worm. today 3 worms.

Tomorrow i'm going to pick up smaller mealies and the regular crickets and stop spoiling him with wax worms.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I'm glad you took you gecko to the vet! Why didn't they do a fecal exam? Different problems such as parasites and bacterial infections require specific medication treatments.

Your gecko is VERY sick. My slurry will not 'cure' anything, and it was designed to give anorexic geckos nutrition while being treated or provide a stool for the vet to examine.

The dark area in your gecko's abdomen is his swollen liver. It's called hepatic lipidosis, and it is from trying to process all the fat reserves that mobilized in the gecko's body when it went into starvation mode. This might be able to be reversed if the gecko starts eating well and gains a little weight... but unfortunately, once it goes too far the liver will fail.

I hope the best for you and your emaciated gecko...


I took my Leo to a different vet today and have a new start on things.
For one, they again gave him a shot for deworming. Along side that i have a few things.

First, I have what they called a 'Herb Misting Spray', that is fully wrapped. They told me the liquid is light sensitive. Spray him once a day.

2nd, they gave me a pack of 'Carnivore Care' powder. I'm supposed to mix 1/3 water and 2/3 powder and squirt it into his mount a few times a day.

3rd, the medicine. Enrofloxacin. They want me to give him .02ml every day for 14 days.

Along side of this, i have to go back with fresh poo to have them examine it.

Does any of that sound like complete crap?


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
I'm glad they are asking for a stool sample. I can't believe the first vet did not. The best of luck with this guy. He's so skinny! I'm glad you have sought veterinary care. I hope he turns around for you.


Dropped the stool off today and they said they found nothing, and are sending it to another 'lab' for more tests.


my leo has only eaten 2 wax worms in the past 3 days. Today i forced a wax into his mouth because he NEEDS to eat. He has been holding it in his mouth for about 2 minutes, munching on it with it's head hanging out of the leos mouth. i wish these crickets were smaller, he might then be interested in them


Vet called me back. Stool came in negative. everything is clean. Odd why he isn't gaining any weight.

I've gotten him to put down 2 wax worms today. Would like him to get some mealies down. Maybe i'll have to mush some down and make him eat it.

Any suggestions?


I cant believe no one has mentioned the possibility of impaction! If he is or has been on sand in the past give him some extra virgin olive oil, hopefully that will loosen him up. I can also be a swollen liver which was touched on earlier...


Happy Gecko Family
Do try Marcia's slurry if he doesn't want to eat; just use a small syringe (without the needle) and let your gecko lap up the slurry drop by drop, it'll be less stressful for him. Best of luck in saving him!


I also say try the slurry i have seen on here people bring back very ill leos on the stuff

i think its his best bet


New Member
Do try the slurry and please keep us updated :D

But that was what I was going to say ryan, impacation from maybe something he ate, like bark, sand, millet, coconut bark substrate.


New Member
Did the vet check for crypto? I know they have to do a specific test for it. I also have to strongly urge you to make marcia's slurry. I have several rescues that have survived thanks to Marcias slurry ( and good vet care). Best wishes with your little guy. I hope he recovers.


Did the vet do an X-ray? I would really suggest that, especially considering the noticeably visible black spots...

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