okapi said:to your first paragraph: This is why record keeping would be needed big time with these things. As well as test breeding the APTOR-Blizzard (whats he gonna call those, "blancos het diablo"?) to APTOR/RAPTOR/DB/non blizzard albinos to prove them out.... ...Then once people who dont keep records and are just in it to get a quick buck start flooding the market with their outcrosses and "hets" :main_thumbsdown: (which will be questionable, considering the fact that proving out a raptor het seems to be random luck for most people)
To your second paragraph: I agree that a SSBB would be alot better looking (NO color but SOLID WHITE), but the Diablo Blanco is a good project too. Firstly, they do look cool. Also they are outcrossing the raptor line with new blood, and a DB, when bred to many different morphs, would produce a whole range of possible morphs with just one Diablo blanco stud. Im going to be working on both DBs and SSBBs.
Sorry but even with records i can't see how it's justeried if you breed a hypo X blizzard take the hypo het blizzard offsping breed them to gether tecicaly some if not all the blizzard are blizzard hypo but you can't call them so coz you can't see so ? yes ? but the blizzard offspring of this breeding is only sold as blizzard coz you can't see the hypo of what spot are there or not even if there super hypos'etc.
Here a great example a red eyed jungle albino of what i'm on about.NOW wack a blizzard skin on this leo in this link what you got is not a RAPTORblizzard that's for sure.How do you know when this has happen when you can't see if it has or not coz all you have is red eyes white skin but this leo clearly is not a RAPTOR.All they are is blizzard poss het RAPTOR there's no way round it.
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