"brown" gecko is white now...


New Member
Hanover, PA
Gregg M said:
What patternless gene???

What Ron means by het for DB is that the raptor is actually het for blizzard... Not sure what you mean by "patternless gene"...

Im not talking about the het he is selling, Im talking about the actual DB itself


"patternless gene" he talks about in "the herpetoculture of leopard geckos" as being the basis for the APTOR morph and the letter P in aptor/raptor.

It is the same as patternless stripe which can produce eclipses as well.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
trizzypballr said:
Im not talking about the het he is selling, Im talking about the actual DB itself

So what is actually being questioned??? There still is no patternless gene...

If you buy a DB and it has two ruby red eyes and is a blizzard, it is exactly what it was stated to be and that morph is called a Diablo Blanco...


Bells Rule!
I think it all comes down to: Will a DB make Raptors when bred to a Raptor?

Is a gecko still a Raptor even though it isn't patternless, but has the red eyes. Some would say yes while others would say no because without the patternless body there is no P and the acronym isn't complete.

I say forget the acronym! As long as the gecko in question isn't banded and stays within the "Stripe x Reverse Stripe Theory" it's a Raptor. What I mean by that is it's proven that Stripe x Reverse Stripe makes Patternless Stripes and from there you get Eclipse. If the gecko is banded you can't really consider it part of this group, but rather an anomoly.
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New Member
Hanover, PA
420Geckos said:
I think it all comes down to: Will a DB make Raptors when bred to a Raptor?

Thats my question exactully

420Geckos said:
Is a gecko still a Raptor even though it isn't patternless, but has the red eyes. Some would say yes while others would say no because without the patternless body there is no P and the acronym isn't complete.

I say forget the acronym! As long as the gecko in question isn't banded and stays within the "Stripe, Reverse Stripe Theory" it's a Raptor.

The only problem I see with what you are saying, even though it would make things easier, is keep in mind, Ron Tremper created the RAPTOR. Yeah I know I know alot of people dont like his marketing techniques or what ever, but fact of the matter is, he did create the RAPTOR, without the P in RAPTOR, it is not a Raptor, its simply a Red Eye or Albino Eclipse eyed Sunglow or Tremper Tang (abberant/jungle/stripe) While yes it does make it much harder to say and type, for everyones sake we should not call something a RAPTOR unless it realy is a RAPTOR. For example I saw geckos being sold as striped RAPTORS before, my question to this is when someone new to the hobby spends $500-$800 on this striped raptor, and breeds it to something else to make hets not realizing that it doesnt have the whole patternless gene, will the person actully be able to produce true RAPTORs with these hets? I would believe that it would only produce the "striped RAPTORS" at best, which would be dissapointing to the person who spent the money and now cant even produce a true RAPTOR.


New Member
420Geckos said:
I think it all comes down to: Will a DB make Raptors when bred to a Raptor?

Yes they would.RAPTOR out cross's when bred back to RAPTOR's have thrown RAPTOR's i beleave even banded ones but i'm not 100% on that so i would think would be the same.If the DB has no visual body markings to make them any differant than non het RAPTOR BB's.I think they so be refered to as ruby eyed BB's het RAPTOR or if normal eyed just BB's het RAPTOR that's all they are at the end of the day.Just think how meny blizzard there must be out there with jungle or stripe markings any one ever gave them silly names ? NO you would just say it mum or dad or both was jungle or striped what ever they may be.You can't see it so can't say it the only way to know it if the breeder tell you so.So just need to state that it has jungle or stripe or Aptor/Raptor blood is just say ruby eyed BB het RAPTOR just to state that it came from such a line.All we need to know is that they have RAPTOR BLOOD not uneeded fancy names that make the leo world more head doing.All DB means is Ruby eyed BB het RAPTOR so just ruby eyed BB het RAPTOR is all that's needed.After all a RAPTOR snow's been made and that called a mack snow RAPTOR just what the tin say's and can be called so coz you can see the pattern.
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