choosing to cut back on my leos


New Member
it hard. i love my leos so much but unfortunately i have to get rid of most of them. i was originally only going to keep 2 but kelli talked me into keeping a few (12) plus two pets. have any of you cut back or got out all together?
like i said i will be keeping some leos and i am keeping all of my other geckos and my snakes but i have to for them need to cut back and it hurts to see them go. it has been hard picking and choosing which ones to keep. on a side note i hope to be getting some cave geckos, only a pair and some afghanicus


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Yeah, we had to cut back to about 60 before we moved and it was really hard. Our gecko room is a lot smaller now and we really need to let go of a few more but it's just so hard to choose which ones. We don't even breed most of them but I consider almost all of them pets. lol

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I am cutting way back and probably will not breed them in the future, just keep some of my favorites. I am working on some very exciting frog projects and going big with them, no reason to detract from that to breed lizards that nobody wants anymore.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I recently sold off pretty much my entire leo collection. It was a very hard decision, one that I went back and forth on for a long time. But in the end I realized that a) I was producing animals that really I had no real necessity to be producing(leos aren't in any danger of being lost to the hobby, I'm not going to produce anything that doesn't already exist really, and the amount of "byproduct" I would need to create to do so is astounding, and once animals I produce are considered "byproducts" I no longer should be producing the animals at all imo) and b) I needed space and time to work with other species I considered to be a higher priority. Now I only have two leopard geckos in my collection, and they live seperately and will never be bred. I have a smaller collection that is more manageable so I get so spend more time with the individual animals. I now can focus on animals that are either rare in the hobby and little is known about their breeding habits(Uroplatus, Cyrtodactylus) or are commonly sold as wcs and rarely seen as cb(tokays, halmaheras). I do still breed afts, cresties and gargs which are in no danger of being hard to find but I have guaranteed outlets for any of those species I produce and really enjoy keeping them. All in all, I'm happy with my decision to leave the leo breeding hobby. I learned a lot while doing it and enjoyed it immensely but I have grown beyond it as a hobbyist and it is time for greater things.


New Member
i am not going to miss all the work but i am going to miss them. maybe one day i will get some more. who knows? one thing though. i am always drawn back to my snakes. i love them. what can i say?


New Member
Dansville, NY
I cut my leos way back from what I use to keep. I 81 adults now I have 20 but will add some more but will never go over 30. I'm in to AFT and will be adding more of them. I just recently started getting into knob tail geckos and I will expand my groups to 3 species and keep 5-6 of each.

Sorry to hear that you are cutting back Robin. If its alright to ask what is the reason to cut back so much?

So does that mean that eclipse het bell is for sale?LOL!!!


New Member
I cut my leos way back from what I use to keep. I 81 adults now I have 20 but will add some more but will never go over 30. I'm in to AFT and will be adding more of them. I just recently started getting into knob tail geckos and I will expand my groups to 3 species and keep 5-6 of each.

Sorry to hear that you are cutting back Robin. If its alright to ask what is the reason to cut back so much?

So does that mean that eclipse het bell is for sale?LOL!!!

it's about my time and my health, i am bipolar and recently i have been having many swings so i dont want my animals to pay for me not feeling well, also at the end of the year i will be getting surgery and i do not know if russ will be able to care for my geckos while i am healing. i want to have time for myself, i plan on going back to work net year and i would like more recreational time for myself. many reasons i know

p.s. i am keeping my eclipse x tangerine project. ;)
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New Member
Dansville, NY
All your reasons are completely understandable. I'm glad your not selling them all off and that you will still be here on the forum. Since your keeping 12 or so leos, you still plan on breeding? If so you know I'm going to want an eclipse het bell maybe 2 or 3.


New Member
All your reasons are completely understandable. I'm glad your not selling them all off and that you will still be here on the forum. Since your keeping 12 or so leos, you still plan on breeding? If so you know I'm going to want an eclipse het bell maybe 2 or 3.

i sent my radar project to kelli on breeding loan :)


New Member
Houston, TX
Well Robin, if you need any help deciding which ones to keep, and which ones to move, I'll me more than happy to drive up there to give you a hand deciding.


Next time I'm in your area, I'm going to have to let you know anyway, I'd love to see everything you have out there some day.

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