Cage to incubator: Uncover them from the lay box gently. Take a sharpie and mark either a line or a code if you need to keep track of the eggs (I put the initial of the female and clutch number) on each egg. Pick each egg up gently and put it into your incubation container.
Incubator set-up: fill a zip lock bag with water. Double bag it and put it in the very bottom of your incubator (under the metal grill platform if you have one). Get a proportional thermometer and hook it up to the incubator (plug the incubator into the thermostat and the thermostat into the wall). Turn the incubator thermostat all the way up. Set the temperature on the proportional thermostat as desired. Attach a digital thermometer with a probe so you can monitor the incubator accurately. Put the incubation containers in the incubator and give it a few days to get settled at the right temperature.
It basically acts as a "sink" to stablize the temperatures in the incubator better. You'll get less fluctuations with the bag of water. I use another tupperware containerfull of water.