Egg question


New Member
I have a femlae I bred earlier this year and she is a proven breeder. SHes laid one soft squishy egg that stuck to the hide box bottom and tore when I removed it. I just got a second pair of eggs that are the same way. Soft and squishy. I candled them and they appear to be yellow in color. Could it be my male or do you think its her? He also is proven and they are both 2 years old.



New Member
Miami, FL
Are they in the same tank together all the time? How about calcium supplements? Are you dusting at every feeding and leaving a dish in the cage at all times?


New Member
She is in her own container and is fed dusted crickets. Ccalcium is also in a dish in the tank all the time


Are you candling them like right after she lays them? You need to give them a little time then candle them. I always wait about 2-3 weeks to candle them.


New Member
I candle right away but I do put them in the incubator also so as not to "waste"any. The eggs that were laid molded over in 2 days and are now tossed out. SHe laid the same way last year I got 3 squishy eggs and 1 good one so I'm stumped maybe shes just a squishy kind of gal...Frustrating really frustrating.....


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I do agree with the problem probably is more related to the male not being with her for that long. It does take several copulations generally to garantee that you will have fertile eggs.

There could also be other underlying problems such as infertility. Have you bred the male to any of your other females if you have any? If you have and got fertile eggs then he is not your problem. If you have had problems with fertility with him before then it could be him.

I don't candle any of my eggs. If they are soft and squishy then they are infertile and go into the trash. If they are hard then they go in the incubator and stay in there until they are hatched or until something goes wrong with it such as mold or major major denting. If i'm not sure about them they they go in the incubator either way just to be safe. There are many people who have had eggs that they thought were bad or were going bad and left them incubating and they hatched out perfectly fine.

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