Expo Prices?



I was wondering how Leo prices at Expos are comparing to online prices...


Hypo Tangs
Super Hypo Tang Carrot Tails
Super Hypo Tang Carrot Tail Baldies

Kind of looking for prices on males...that are big enough to be visually sexed. Not hatchlings, but not exactly breeding size either.

Sorry if I'm being to specific...just at all the Expos I've been to, I never paid attention to Leo prices....

Thanks for any help that you can provide!
(PS...if anyone has one of these for a deal I'm pretty interested...PM me?)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Expo prices will range depending on quality and breeder reputation. One thing, though, there is no shipping to pay if you buy at an Expo and you can see the actual geckos, not just pictures.



New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
There is a HUGE range for tangs, really it could go anywhere from 30$ all the way up to a few hundred. It all depends on quality of the animal and the breeders reputation (like Aliza said).


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Here are some suggestions about how to find the gecko you want at an Expo:

--if there's a list of breeders available before the expo, check out their websites if they have them and see what they have and how much they're charging. In any case, take a look at the breeders' tables first.

--when you go to the expo, go through the whole thing (again, it makes sense to check breeders' tables first) and write down prices and location of any geckos you see that meet your needs.

--beware of vendors that seem to have a lot of different species of reptile and a few leopard geckos even though the price may be very good. Some vendors in this situation have likely acquired these geckos in trade or some other way and don't know much about them

--if you see something that is exactly what you want, especially if it's at a known breeder's table and the price is right (and you're worried that it won't be there in half an hour), buy it, or ask it to be held for a specific period of time. If you ask for it to be held and you decide not to get it, be sure to go back to the table and let them know

--otherwise, after you've gone through the whole expo, look at your notes and re-visit your best choices.

--many people buy something they weren't expecting to get on impulse. I don't recommend it.

Good luck,


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