Fat tail care questions


New Member
Hey guys am thinking off getting and breeding some fat tails. I want to do some research first. So here a couple questions: how often should I feed my fat tails during breeding season? And how often should I feed them when it's not season? How often should I give them calcium and vitamins during season? And how often during off season? Which one should I get calcium with D3 or without? And my final questions is how long should I wait after I get them before I introduce them to each other to breed? If you guys can answer all these question I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot!!!


New Member
Austin, TX
I can't offer advice about breeding but I can help you out with the other questions.
Use calcium with D3 as they can't make it themselves. While they are juveniles, you should offer food every day. My 6 month old male goes through about 6-8 medium crickets a night. Once they become adults, you only need to feed every other day or every 2 days, really whatever they seem to prefer. You only need to dust a few times a week with the calcium and vitamin powder (I just mix a little of each in a zip lock bag and toss the crickets in there), however I tend to dust my crickets for every feeding just to be on the safe side. I would imagine the sooner you introduce the pair the better so that they are able to use to each other, but don't hold me to that. Look around at other discussions and you should be able to find answers to your breeding questions.

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