females fighting



2 of my females were fighting today.biting and flipping around like crazy. i reached in to stop it and one bit me. the bigger one seems to start it. in the cage its 3 females and a male. what do i do about the fighting


New Member
Miami, FL
First, separate everybody immediately. No matter how many you have, you should always be prepared to house each gecko individually at any time. It sounds like this isn't the first time it's happened, since you said the bigger one seems to start it; which brings me to another point. Geckos of different sizes should not be kept together. There's always a problem eventually. Most often fights occur due to one of the following reasons: food, one gecko being larger than the other, inadequate amount of hides, inadequate amount of heat, or you're housing more than one male together.

Do you know what triggered the fight? How large is the cage you are keeping 4 geckos in? Is there a reason you have all 4 in one tank? For now, everyone needs their own "room". If you intend to breed them, I would introduce the female you wish to breed into the male's tank and remove her when they're done. You can repeat this every other day or so to ensure she's been fertilized. Otherwise, if you continue to keep geckos that fight together, you run the risk of injury, loss of a tail, or possibly even death. So find some more setups as soon as you can! :)


the cage is 3 and a half foot long. and im breeding them all curently theyve all layed eggs in the last 2 weeks. and there the same age and everything. ones tails fatter than the other one


New Member
Miami, FL
Okay, so it's a decent sized cage...however there is obviously a problem between two of them, so those two definately need to be housed separate, IMO. Maybe it doesn't need to be a permanent change, but until you can figure out what they're fighting over, you're probabbly better off with them alone. Some things to consider:

-Is one bullying the other away from food?
-Is one just picking on the other in general?
-Is the male involved at all, possibly even causing the fights?
-Is it a territorial issue? (One is protecting a hide, etc.)

Without going into detail, i'm sure you know that during breeding season, hormones are flying all over the place with these guys. With that said, i'm sure that since hormones have everything to do with the courtship and mating, they have a lot to do with crankiness as well. ;)

I'd still separate the two girls being bold at the very least. Just IMHO. :)
Jordanang420 do you have a care sheet? You seemto know what you are talking about! I was goin to I've some suggestions untill I saw what you wrote ou blew m ideas ou ifthe water.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
That's weird, I'vee never had girls fight. Obviously there must be an issue they're trying to resolve by fighting, so you have to figure out what that is. I always keep my girls in groups and they thrive perfectly, but if you have two that can't stand each other then there's not much you can do other than separate them.

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