Here are the first three. I need to get better pics of the other two before I post them.
Apr 15, 2012 #1 Kristi23 Ghoulish Geckos Messages 16,180 Location IL Here are the first three. I need to get better pics of the other two before I post them.
Apr 15, 2012 #2 porkchopp75 Rainwater King Messages 1,599 Location DIRTY SOUTH, TX Very nice Kristi, love the last one!
Apr 15, 2012 #4 RampantReptiles New Member Messages 2,488 Location Canandaigua, NY Yay! Congrats!!! Nice stripes
Apr 15, 2012 #6 Kristi23 Ghoulish Geckos Messages 16,180 Location IL Here are the other two: And updates of the other three:
Apr 15, 2012 #7 Enigmatic_Reptiles Quality is Everything Messages 6,779 Location Corona, CA Looking very nice Kristi. Hope you have a good season
Apr 15, 2012 #9 GeckoGathering GrizLaru Messages 4,323 Location Indiana geckos, ahhh yes LOOKIN GOOD, Kristi. Take care. HJ
Apr 15, 2012 #10 Dragoon Gecko Active Member Messages 1,262 Location Europe Wow!! Love the albino!! /Rebecca
Apr 15, 2012 #11 W Wild West Reptile Leopards AFT Ball Pythons Messages 1,863 Location San Jose, CA Nice start kristi! Hope it continues for you.
Apr 15, 2012 #12 justindh1 New Member Messages 1,584 Location Pilot Grove, Missouri Looks like you have expanded your projects a but then last year. Nice looking hatchlings already. Heck I just got excited on my first eggs being laid today. Better late then never.
Looks like you have expanded your projects a but then last year. Nice looking hatchlings already. Heck I just got excited on my first eggs being laid today. Better late then never.
Apr 15, 2012 #13 CREATIVE GECKO New Member Messages 1,047 Location southern california very beautiful geckos can you label them if you get a chance? sweet stripes!
Apr 16, 2012 #15 Kristi23 Ghoulish Geckos Messages 16,180 Location IL Thank you! The stripe and tremper stripe are from bold stripe het raptor x bold stripe het raptor. The eclipse is from a mack(?) fascio eclipse poss het tremper x bee het tremper. The tang is from shtctb x eclipse het tremper. The last baby is from bold afghan halloween mask x bold stripe.
Thank you! The stripe and tremper stripe are from bold stripe het raptor x bold stripe het raptor. The eclipse is from a mack(?) fascio eclipse poss het tremper x bee het tremper. The tang is from shtctb x eclipse het tremper. The last baby is from bold afghan halloween mask x bold stripe.
Apr 18, 2012 #16 Kristi23 Ghoulish Geckos Messages 16,180 Location IL Another one from the bold stripe het eclipse pair hatched yesterday. I'll be adding a picture soon.
Apr 23, 2012 #17 Kristi23 Ghoulish Geckos Messages 16,180 Location IL Here are the two newest hatchlings. Still waiting on the clutchmate of the second one to hatch. Here's an update pic of the tremper. I really love the color coming in.
Here are the two newest hatchlings. Still waiting on the clutchmate of the second one to hatch. Here's an update pic of the tremper. I really love the color coming in.
Apr 24, 2012 #18 Suncharmers New Member Messages 1,411 Location NJ Hey Kristi, AWESOME NEW KIDS , NEAT stripers, lol Congratulations:main_thumbsup::main_laugh:
Apr 24, 2012 #19 Zeetrain Zuricane Geckos Messages 252 Location Connecticut That tremper is awesome! If you don't mind me asking... What are the genetics?