Gecko Size Chart


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thanks for the comments everyone! :D

Very nice !!

What kind is the 55 g in the middle?

Thank you, that one is a Mack Snow Tremper albino :main_thumbsup:

Nice looking geckos you have there, love them all, especially with the heavy weight ones.....:main_thumbsup:

Thanks, the super chunkers are definitely our upmost favorites :heart:

THANK YOU for that size chart!!!
That is one of the MOST useful things, EVER.

I think I shall save that pic so I can reference it in the future.

BTW, beautiful leos! But that first one pictured by his/herself is my absolute FAVORITE out of the bunch.
What a BEAUTIFUL animal.

You're very welcome, I'm glad that it's useful for you, I was hoping it would be! I wanted to put something like this on our website so that people would have an idea of the size gecko they were buying since you can't always tell from the pictures :)

Thanks for the compliments, that first one is Leda, "Momma Chunk" lol She is a Snow Enigma from Albey ;)

very very cool! awesome size chart! is that a striped super snow i see? :O

Thanks, the one is a Super Snow Enigma, no specific stripe genes that we know of but has LBS influence :main_cool3:

Nice comparison chart Jess! They all have awesome HUGE tails, especially the 85g one!!

And WOW, Twilight is already 70g! I love her body shape!

LOL I KNOW!! I swear it was only a month or so ago that I weighed her and she was just above 50 grams. You can imagine my surprise to find that she was already up to 70, looks like she just might have inherited her father's size (he's the 135 gram gecko in the picture)!

Really nice stuff Jess.
A little trouble with your size chart though.
I have a hard time getting my geckos to stay on the monitor long enough to see which is a match.

Thanks HJ, the little one that is 30 grams is a Rinoa baby and holdback :heart: TCHJJB

Snows and speckles have never made me say "WOW!!!" they way your geckos did in these pictures! They are stunning and obviously healthy and happy. Great photography and I love the size chart idea. Brownie points to you for having the patience to get them all in one shot. :D

Why thank you very much :) I basically put a deli cup over each one, then waited awhile for them to settle a bit, then quickly uncovered all of the deli cups and snatched a photo LOL. The one on the top right and the hatchling at the bottom were the first to try to take off, that pic was taken in the second try and there wasn't enough time to get any other shots!

I was just about to ask the same thing! LBS influenced super snow right?

Yeeeessss :D Her father is one of the SS we produced from LBS x MS, and her mother is our Snow Enigma from Albey :)
this would make a super cool poster too! maybe figure out how to print it so its life size and you could sell it.

Hmmm that would be interesting :)
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Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thanks Melanie :)

Bryan, the big guy has no known Giant genes, he's just a big and bulky dude :D although he has passed down his big size to a few offspring. I haven't gotten his length in awhile but he has stayed around 9.5 inches long. He will be 2 years old in February and gained 10 grams in the last year.

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