General Care of a Leo?


New Member
Hello, I'm new so if this is just another repeat of "shtoopid noob asking for general care help", I apologize now.

I am hopefully going to become the clueless owner of a year old Leo.

I don't have a clue in the slightest on care for a Leo, much less any reptile. I won't be taking the Gecko until I have everything in line and I know a LOT more about how to care for one.

I've looked over the internet a bit, but I'm still lost. :main_huh:

I have no idea as to how the gecko is health wise. The person I'm getting him(?) from is a friend I go to school with and no longer want him.
All he's told me is that he feeds him lunchmeats and hotdogs. That can't be healthy, can it?!

Any tips, ideas, information, etc., I'm all ears!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Good idea to do your research first. It's hard to believe this leopard gecko actually eats lunch meat and hotdogs, since most leopard geckos will refuse to eat things that don't move. The first thing to do is to make sure this is actually a leopard gecko. If you can, take a picture of this gecko and post it here. That will determine whether or not it's a leopard gecko and will also give us a sense of whether it "looks" healthy (of course we won't know for sure if it is really healthy). Go to the top of the page here and click on "articles/caresheets". There are a variety of caresheets (including mine). You'll find that a lot of information is the same in every caresheet, but there are some differences, even contradictions. The information that's consistent is probably the basics of what you need to do and the other stuff is choices. Get the basics and ask the forums about the specifics you're not sure of.
I hope that's helpful.

:main_laugh:HI welcome to the gf!!!! So I can go and say feed them live foods. And give them a ten gallon or tweny gallon tank!!!! And I would reccomend crickets for food to. Its also good to have some climbing supplies and huts. So you should also get some books for information I am! I hope you enjoy your time and I hope I helped!


New Member
Between two terrariums
So you should also get some books for information I am! I hope you enjoy your time and I hope I helped!

Just be careful which books -- I saw an older one in my library that suggests keeping leos in a shoebox. :main_thumbsdown: Luckily it had been withdrawn from the collection, but I hate to think it's even floating around out there as a "care" guide.

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Just be careful which books -- I saw an older one in my library that suggests keeping leos in a shoebox. :main_thumbsdown: Luckily it had been withdrawn from the collection, but I hate to think it's even floating around out there as a "care" guide.
Did they mean a sterilite shoebox? Because that's not uncommon...

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