Good Morning, Starshines! *DUW*


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Got some pics of the lizards waking up this morning... ish...
Okay, the monitors don't get up til the crack of noon. Must be a "teenager" thing.

Savannah Monitors:

Joanna - Looks about like I do in the morning...

Rock Monster, emerging from under his blanket




Blue Tongue Skink:

Stinky, aka: "That bitey little butthead"




After Rock toddled into the living room, he decided to curl up with the mom...
And swipe my bagel and cream cheese... :main_rolleyes:

A face full of evidence.

We both ended up getting a bath after that little adventure.

Anyways... Thanks for letting me show off some of the kids. ;)


Geck'd Out
They are adorable K, I love savanah's, i love watching my tegu get up in the morning, he always walks around real grumpy like then starts scratching on the glass to let me know to let him out so we can start out day of cleaning cages lol


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Thanks, Kyle. Their personalities are just amazing, aren't they?
Can't help but love 'em.


Senior Member
East Texas
So they just amble around the house like a dog? No tank/cage? That's so cool, where can you get 1, I want 1 now... They are so cool looking, & very pretty :)


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Well, Rock is the only one that has run of the house. He's very laid back and has is extrememly social. My female, Joanna, on the other hand, is shy and has been known to be aggressive at times, so for her safety, as well as ours, she stays in a large enclosure and only gets taken out to be handled, which is every day.
I've also heard that females can become quite territorial but I guess ultimately, its up to the individual monitor's own personality.
Rock has a harness and leash and goes on trips with us.
Jo doesn't get taken out if theres more than 3 people in the house, as she completely freaks out.
It was no easy job, either. Monitors take alot of work to get handlable and like in Jo's case, it sometimes doesn't always work as planned.
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New Member
AW! These pictures are so adorable. I'd love to have a sav and BTS. Might get a BTS in the future but I think my mom (and my poor wimpy cat) would have a heart attack if I ever got a sav XD


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Hehehe. Thanks. You know, everyone has told me how great BTSs are, but I think I've been bit by him more than all my other animals combined. He's a surly little guy! :D
Once he's out, he's just really vocal. Its the getting him out thats the challenge.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
That is really cool that your savannah monitor can roam the house. Where does he use the bathroom, if you dont mind me asking, lol. That would be really cool to get one and have him that tame. I would really enjoy that =]

The bagel pic is just too funny!


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
My BTS hates me too, but I don't take him too seriously. I can't be intimidated by anything with legs that stubby.

I know! They can be such bullies, but its cute!
Those crazy little needle toes tear me up, though.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
That is really cool that your savannah monitor can roam the house. Where does he use the bathroom, if you dont mind me asking, lol. That would be really cool to get one and have him that tame. I would really enjoy that =]

The bagel pic is just too funny!

He actually potties when he gets his bath. His routine is: he wakes up and takes about an hour to actually crawl out of bed. Then he walks across the hall to my daughter's room, where he crawls up in the window and basks for about an hour. Then he gets down and walks into the bathroom, where we put him in the tub and after about 10 minutes, he potties. He gets rinsed off, scooped up in a towel and snuggled on for as long as he likes. If for some reason, we aren't home to put him in the tub, he'll potty right next to the bath tub and give us a stern look when we get home.:main_angry:

He wanders the house, getting under foot most of the day, but every couple of hours, he'll go back to his bed and curl up under his blanket for a quick, 20 minute power nap.

And I had no idea he'd like that bagel, either. I should have known he was up for anything since he dove head first in to a bowl of vanilla ice cream a couple weeks back. :main_rolleyes:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Thats where his bed is. We tried getting him accept another spot in the house, but he's made his decision. Hubby's side of the bed is where he wants to be! So his heating pad and his blanket are over there, just for him. :D


It's a BEAUT Clark!
He actually potties when he gets his bath. His routine is: he wakes up and takes about an hour to actually crawl out of bed. Then he walks across the hall to my daughter's room, where he crawls up in the window and basks for about an hour. Then he gets down and walks into the bathroom, where we put him in the tub and after about 10 minutes, he potties. He gets rinsed off, scooped up in a towel and snuggled on for as long as he likes. If for some reason, we aren't home to put him in the tub, he'll potty right next to the bath tub and give us a stern look when we get home.:main_angry:

He wanders the house, getting under foot most of the day, but every couple of hours, he'll go back to his bed and curl up under his blanket for a quick, 20 minute power nap.

And I had no idea he'd like that bagel, either. I should have known he was up for anything since he dove head first in to a bowl of vanilla ice cream a couple weeks back. :main_rolleyes:

K, I want to come live with you!!! I LOVE that Rock is like a dog :smitten:


Lizard Lady ツ
The sticks
Thats where his bed is. We tried getting him accept another spot in the house, but he's made his decision. Hubby's side of the bed is where he wants to be! So his heating pad and his blanket are over there, just for him. :D
That's really neat!
I'v always wanted a free roaming lizard.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
And who would have ever thought he was such an evil butthead as a baby? We refered to him as "Rock, the Evil Overlord" because he literally tried to kill anything and everything that came near him. It was so frustrating, because for 9 months, I could see the intellegence in his eyes, but I had no idea how to communicate with him.
Then... we figured it out. And within 36 hours, the Rock Star that I love so much emerged.

Now, I'm not by any means advocating that every lizard should be a free-roamer. This is just what has worked for both my family and my Rock Man. We've exposed him to virtually every situation where he could have freaked out and "turned Savannah" and he's pulled through with nothing more than a bored huff.

I'll have to get some pictures of him in his cute little green harness he wears when we go out. He grooves on the "Goin' bye-bye" thing.


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
We haven't tried, much to Dharma's dismay. When she went into season a couple months ago, we had to get her in to a 40 gallon tank, as she kept tearing after Rock. Apparently, species don't mater, a man is a man in her little eyes.
She even tore after our cat and he's a neutered 22 pound male. Poor thing. Just about scared the fur off the 'ole guy. :main_rolleyes:

We really don't want to chance the two of them meeting. Rock is a really good boy, but he is a monitor and I just don't know what I'd do if one pet ate another pet... :main_huh:


New Member
Hehehe. Thanks. You know, everyone has told me how great BTSs are, but I think I've been bit by him more than all my other animals combined. He's a surly little guy! :D
Once he's out, he's just really vocal. Its the getting him out thats the challenge.

Haha I guess it just depends on the individual. And he sounds like my female leo, she puts up a fuss when I try to pick her up to move her while I clean her tank or remove stuck shed, but she's ok when she's out. Just her being a drama queen:main_rolleyes:

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