Gotta love these soft claws!!


New Member
New Jersey
Jebidiah is the only cat in the house I decided not to declaw. Of course, he is a horrible scratcher. I have cat posts throughout the house and even scent them with catnip. He prefers Dean's chair. I tried double sided sticky tape, he ate it. I found out about these soft claws and they work great. He doesn't mind me putting them on since he's used to me clipping his nails every week. Just had to show off his new nails.


New Member
New Jersey
thanks robin. It is a great alternative to declawing. They do need to be replaced about every 4-6 weeks as the nail grows. I had to get my first cat declawed because it was in the lease and Jias, my second cat, was a terror with scratching. His declawing went smoothly for the surgical part(I was assisting in it). The healing however went so wrong. He was confined to a large dog crate and still managed to get the bandages off(No one can get my bandages off, not even the doctors) and then proceeded to open all his toes and impact them with the yesterday's news litter and created a massive infection. He had to be sedated a second time to flush each toe with antibiotic flush and be given IV antibiotics for several days. In hospital, he proceeded to rip out his IV and remove his bandages with the largest e-collar that would fit him on. He came home and I had to give him sedatives(light enough for it to affect him but not knock him out) every 6-8 hours while he was confined to the dog crate(we are talking about an Irish Wolfhound size crate) and give him strong broad spectrum antibiotics for 2 weeks. It was not fun and I vowed to not go through it again. It didn't help that he would trash the cage 4-7 times a day and I was constantly cleaning it and him up. I did try confining him to the bathroom, but he screamed incessantly and trashed the bathroom. If it wasn't for a co-worker telling me about these things, I would have had to declaw Jeb. Dean is still trying to talk me into doing it, but I really rather not to.


New Member
New Jersey
thank you Francine. I had used the clear caps before and just wanted to try the colors. Of course I couldn't make up my mind on which color, so I tried them all. I like the purple and blue best. Might stick with those. Dean doesn't like the hot pink. thinks it shouldn't be on a boy cat.


hahahaha.....nice....I've used them on Buie before (I think they're a great product for cats that will tolerate and they worked just fine on her....but I've found them pretty much unnecessary so I don't use them anymore....I think I still have some laying around though....


New Member
So cute. I have used them on my cats a few times. I have one that does not mind at all and the other two kept chewing them off. They eventually get used to them if you keep replacing them as they fall off.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Pleas be aware of all aspects of soft claws when using them. My first concern in that cat nails are retractible and this can't happen properly when the soft claws are on. It can be hard on the joints in there toes if there nails, or soft claws are always touching the floor when they walk. Another concern is when dirt or moisture become draped in the cap. This can lead to rotten or infected nails that can cause exstreem discomfort. I have even seen it lead to the entyer foot of a dog become infected and swollen. When it comes to scratching problems I will always say the the thing to do is train the cat. It may take more time but the results are more permanent. Thou it is often thought that cats cant be trained, they certainly can. It is just a matter of finding a way to communicate what you want, that they can understand. I hope you will consider alternatives to both declawing and soft claws. There are medical situations where soft claws are helpful but these are few and far between.


New Member
New York
LOL, pretty nails :D, but like someone else said I would be careful when using something like that, maybe talk to a vet to make sure its okay..


New Member
New Jersey
Actually it was designed by a veterinarian and not meant to interfere with the retraction and extension of the claws. It claims that even if ingested, they are suppose to pass safely through the GI tract. Though I never have seen that. They do have a good size chart to figure out the right size to order. Here's the website to check out the info,
Thanks for all the compliments and concerns.


New Member
Washington, DC
I'm glad there is an alternative and they certainly look cute. I really hate seeing a declawed cat: not only can it go so wrong in surgery or aftercare, but it can also lead to horrible arthritis and other problems as the cat gets older.


New Member
Soft claws aren't for every cat, however. I knew one kitty that had a horrible heart murmur, and his owners would bring him into the vet clinic to have us techs put on the soft claws because they couldn't do it themselves. The poor cat got so stressed out, no matter how gentle and slow we worked with him. We were actually really worried that he would end up having a heart attack because he would fight us so hard the whole time we were putting them on! I think it might've been better for the owners to either just live with the scratching or actually declaw him.

Cute mix of colors, by the way. :) And nice cat!


New Member
my assitant manager let you 7 year year old pick the color for one of their cats, and she chose the red. Looks like she's painted her nails.


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
I would rather put soft claws on a stubborn cat then declaw them. Not like it matters, the cat we had never really tore anything up except 1 little cat house she had and the window sills.

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