gravid garge problems...


Gray Sky Exotics
Don't know any vets up there, not sure if this site will help or not:
Worse case, a regular vet can run a fecal for you & advise if there are any parasites...I just wouldn't trust them to do blood work or any medication dosing.

Can you post a photo of him? What are your day/night temps? Have you made any recent changes to the enclosure (decor, lighting, location with the room)? Are his poops normal or runny? Any change in food? I know Rapashy CGD recently changed their formula. Do you feed any insects?


New Member
i already checked that site and no luck. thanks for the link though! I was trying to find one all yesterday, dont think there is any!!

ye i will be able to post pics of him later just gotta wait for the misses to get home!
day temps range from 72-74 on one side to 75-76 on the other. night drops bout 2 on each! the only diet change i can think of is i added a calcium supplement to their water! as for the enclosure i moved him too his own for now, just to be safe!! i fed them dusted crickets last week. whatever this is it came on really fast!! i thought he was going to die last night. but hes still alive today thank god. still doing the same though hes up at this time its not even 12am here yet licking water out his bowl and leaves again? could i have possibly given him too much calcium?? would that cause dehydration?? that's another thing he seems really dehydrated. As for poops he hasn't left any yet. But when he does i will get back to you maybe even post a pic. thinking about it i haven't seem him eat since that cricket last week.


New Member
i found this place but cant get there until friday! dont know if hes gonna make it that long.

Ambassador Pet Hospital
93 Myrtle Ave
Yorkton, Saskatchewan
S3N 1P8


Gray Sky Exotics
Instead of putting the calcium in the water bowl, just put a seperate dish in for the calcium. I've heard of someone accidently overdosing their gecko with to much on another forum.

The temps seem fine; has he pooped since eating the crickets last week? If not, he could be impacted. You may want to give him a sauna/bath for about 10-15 minutes, it would also help him if he's dehydrated. Here's a video on the sauna/bath:

Regarding the new formula, my babies & juvies loved it, my adults it took them a few feedings to enjoy it; but they are eating more of it & it does smell way better.


New Member
what happened to ones that overdosed?how do you stop that? i have been putting a dish of calcium in there! he just puked pretty aggressively! hes constantly drinking, cant really climb, just not doing good! im going to take him to the university vet apperently they have a herp vet there.


Gray Sky Exotics
Sadly that gecko had died, it was being treated for calcium crash at the time & the high dose was to much shock to the system. Your boy definitely doesn't sound like a calcium crash; really shaky legs when trying to walk & seizure like symptoms (body & head thrashing). I just had a female Sikorae recover from that a few days ago; pretty darn scary to see.

The vets at university should be helpful; keep me updated on how he does.


New Member
how do i upload pics?

another thing i noticed was last night his eyes didn't seem to be reacting to light like they should. there has been no seizures as far as im aware! he puked once other than that he's really lethargic and seems to be drinking lots! when i pick him up he doesn't move just flops, delayed reactions! i haven't seen him eat since those crickets! none of which were bigger than the size in between his eyes. The university is quite far away, to be honest i dont even know if he would make it! plus the stress of actually seeing the vet! the vet is the only way though!! what can i do to help him get hydrated?? i read something about electrolyte drinks?? but i cant just give him say powerade can i?? where do i find the one for kids or one i can give him??


Gray Sky Exotics
I just checked with all my gecko species (except the Phelsuma, they are way to skittish for me to attempt), but I felt the spines on the gargs more so than any other species I keep. I have used pedialyte for their drinking water, used it to mix their CGD, & also in their sauna/bath. It does perk them up after a couple hours.


New Member
so after bathing him all week, giving him pedialyte and increasing the humidity in his enclosure there has being a big improvement. He's much more active and starting to climb again, eyes are no longer sunken in and he seems much more aware. Still no stool in his tank though, so could he be impacted?? but saying that he hasn't really being eating. how long would he survive impacted?? i really hope thats not what it is, he was my first garg and my fav personality! But over all things are looking up for us!! to be honest i thought he was going to die monday. I will try hand feed him tonight seen as hes not being eating from his dish. he looks hydrated again and that is most important for the mean while. he could survive much longer without food than water. Going to the university tomorrow for checks.


Gray Sky Exotics
Sorry I haven't responded sooner, I had to go out of town to testify at a trial for work...then have sick ever since getting home.

I only use UVB when the gecko is sick, it seems to help them metabolize their calcium bette until they are back to their normal selves. How has he been doing? Is he eating on his own, pooping?


New Member
long time no type! lol he's a lot better now, but still not eating repashy on his own he will only eat of off a spoon, but he will devour crickets all by himself. he's very active again on a night like he should be, climbing and jumping about but never seems to fully fire up. I still have them in separate enclosures. He is also pooping normally again. So any ideas what could have been wrong with him?? Could it have been due it being his first breeding season??

on the plus side I have a FERTILE egg!! boo-yaka-sha (ali G) lol
But she only laid one, but its a good healthy looking little guy!!

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