Help Train Friend


May The Force Not Be In You

I train my geckos the same way I train a dog.
No force. Kind, gentle hand, and a treat.
And with very good results.
Force on occasions, may stress them to drop a tail, among other things
blood clots, organ failure and even death.

So my way at Gecko Friendship 101****************
Make a fist, wet your knuckle , slide it slowly with your fist
on the floor level until it touches your geckos nose.....or it strikes
your knuckle. Either way the next time it relates your touch and smell to water.
(knuckle because gecko X has a harder time alligator clipping
than to your finger....getting you startled and causing
quick movement which either makes him feel dominant or
stresses one or both of you to unsureness and prolongs the process.
After can go to meal worm inners, if necessary.
Usually the water has them climbing on your hand before many
attempts. After relating this way slowly see if it
will climb on your hand.
Slowly slide it til it wants a ride. The first couple times
don't lift it out of the habitat.
When comfortable with your gecko and you........
bring it out and directly to your body. your body temp. is
a nice range of highs it will enjoy. And really not want to leave
unless it gets startled from quick motion or grabbed at,
Lightly cup your hands to secure it until it rides surefooted
anywhere it wants to go..
Limit to short amount of time (3 to 5 min.)until it rides
with no restrictions to it....
(usually after a couple times of cupped hand carries)

The amount of time to get to this point is strictly based on
your devoted time for it.
Take care... HJ


Creative, Huh?

You just need to have your own webpage, HJ. :p

LOL, are you trying to tell me I have too much free time on my hands? LOL
By the way I do have a web site. Built it myself the HTML way one winter just so I could learn the language. Dismantled it temporarily, since I cooled for
the moment with Painting/Carving and took on the Gecko Lover interest.

Since I got OLD, RETIRED, & TIRED I tend to do as I feel the urge.
Right now I have the urge and working to learn the frustrating forum
search procedure system,
so I can have a method to mention to time important forum searchers.
HJ, why do you get these kinda urges, Huh? (I tend to digress)
Take care. Hj


cool, i've been doing the same thing but with calcium instead of water..? it seems to be working, i'll have to try the water though to see if it makes her more comfortable!


The Jaguar Gecko
San Diego
so just to get in to detail, ( I feel like an idiot for asking this ;O )
I wet my knuckles , and make a fist, then I put it right in front of my gecko , then it will hop on right ? or climb up my hand ? What triggers the gecko to do this, and why water :D, just really curious aha. and how many attempts does this usually take.


Wish I would have found this sooner, but i will definately try it. :)


Shillelagh Law
Good Sticky?? I think so.
take care. HJ

... thank god they didn't.

Load of anthropomorphic tripe. Just a complete and total misunderstanding of an observed behavior. I have rarely seen such ignorant crap being foisted off on the general public in the guise of information.

You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for telling such miserable lies to an impressionable audience that might not know enough to sort through the garbage you are spewing and see it for the misinformation it actually is.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
... thank god they didn't.

Load of anthropomorphic tripe. Just a complete and total misunderstanding of an observed behavior. I have rarely seen such ignorant crap being foisted off on the general public in the guise of information.

You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for telling such miserable lies to an impressionable audience that might not know enough to sort through the garbage you are spewing and see it for the misinformation it actually is.


Others have tried this method, including myself, and have had it work.
Last edited:


Opinions, cheapest commodity.

... thank god they didn't.

Load of anthropomorphic tripe. Just a complete and total misunderstanding of an observed behavior. I have rarely seen such ignorant crap being foisted off on the general public in the guise of information.

You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for telling such miserable lies to an impressionable audience that might not know enough to sort through the garbage you are spewing and see it for the misinformation it actually is.

LOL...this appears quite funny.
Forums are for expressing opinions, so that's cool.
How someone can read into a simple tip or procedure
on how to calm your gecko down, to where it will
consider you a non threat and then term it
anthropomorphic tripe is beyond me.
The thread, if read, describes a many times
tested and well proven way to make your gecko
trust you.

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
... thank god they didn't.

Load of anthropomorphic tripe. Just a complete and total misunderstanding of an observed behavior. I have rarely seen such ignorant crap being foisted off on the general public in the guise of information.

You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for telling such miserable lies to an impressionable audience that might not know enough to sort through the garbage you are spewing and see it for the misinformation it actually is.

That's a bit harsh, I think. Aside from calling it "Gecko Friendship" and mentioning "going for a ride", I don't see any human actions or emotions being pushed on leos. Both of those descriptions are just figures of speech and not being used to say that the GECKO means it that way. The rest is just talking about them liking heat and water, and trying to get them to associate the owner with those things. What's so anthropomorphic about that?

Even if you do think H.J. is anthropomorphizing too much, you could have much more respectful about it, much more.


Geckos Ahhhhhh Yes

That's a bit harsh, I think. Aside from calling it "Gecko Friendship" and mentioning "going for a ride", I don't see any human actions or emotions being pushed on leos. Both of those descriptions are just figures of speech and not being used to say that the GECKO means it that way. The rest is just talking about them liking heat and water, and trying to get them to associate the owner with those things. What's so anthropomorphic about that?

Even if you do think H.J. is anthropomorphizing too much, you could have much more respectful about it, much more.

Thanks Kevin. Amen on your interpretation.
You are right on the money with the way I write,
but his interpretation is pretty much along the same
as many of his 50 posts. The purpose of the forum
is expressing opinions, and I got a surprising one.
Humor is a BIG thing in my day. So I'll LOL
Take care. HJ


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Luckily most of our members do a great job of respectfully expressing opinions but I guess every once in a while a harsh comment gets posted. I'm sure everyone's opinions will be expressed in a more sensitive and constructive manner from here n out.


Proud Leopard Gecko Owner
Athens OH
This is slowly working with Jasper :). I use my fingers as I put my palm down instead of knuckles and him seems to be more eager to walk across when water is involved :)
Great tips!

Irish Stout

New Member

I have been looking for something like this. :) Pokey doesn't really mind being picked up and climbing on my hand but like you said I would rather train her like a dog. Let her do it on her time and don't force her this way she loves me to death. Anyways I really appreciate this. Your a great dude keep it up man.:main_thumbsup:

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