A little history...my 10 yr old daughter purchased 3 baby leopard geckos on 1-18-10[male],1-19-10 [female]and 1-27-10 [male]respectively. (sex undetermined at the time) 2 came from one petstore chain (1-18-10 and 1-19-10)and the other came from another pet store chain.(1-27-10) Since they were all weighing in at approximately the same weights, after a 2 month quarantine, we house them all together for their comfort, in a much larger aquarium. So, I found during my research a chart that tells you what the age of the leopard gecko is according to weights. It said a new born weighs approx 3 grams; 3-4 months weighs 20+ grams and males at 8 mos weigh approx 45 grams and females at 1 yr weigh approx 50 grams. I know that it can be all over the place but since we didn't breed these little cuties we used that information. So, they were 9.6 grams, 8.5 grams, and 5.66 grams. That would make them, based on the above info somewhere between new born and 3-4 months old but closer to newborn, maybe 1 1/2 to 2 months old. That is what we were guessing. That would make them currently, oh 6 - 7 months. They weigh 31.1844 gms, 34.0194 gms, 36.8543 gms, respectively.
I clean there cages weekly and change their moist hides monthly. I found 2 gigantic eggs in the hide a hour ago. I just about had a heart attack!! I didn't see any signs AT ALL.
We had trouble determining the sex immediately after purchasing them and hadn't checked in a while. They were living happily with no signs of aggression or mating. They are still babies! After careful inspection tonight, it would appear that we have 2 males and one female. Their living arrangement quickly changed. We do not know for sure who the father is. One of the boys was purchased at a different location than the other male and female but it is possible that the 2 that were at the same store were the 2 that mated. We might never know. If they were siblings, will we have a problem?
The eggs candle with a bullseye. I just do not know for sure how long the eggs were there and their moist hide is the cool side.
I am just freaked out that this happened.
Any info is appreciated. (not that we can do much at this point other than incubate and hope for the best)
Thanks for hearing me out. I am so freaked out and excited and worried about the females young age!
EEK. Thanks again and stories/info welcome and needed.
I clean there cages weekly and change their moist hides monthly. I found 2 gigantic eggs in the hide a hour ago. I just about had a heart attack!! I didn't see any signs AT ALL.
We had trouble determining the sex immediately after purchasing them and hadn't checked in a while. They were living happily with no signs of aggression or mating. They are still babies! After careful inspection tonight, it would appear that we have 2 males and one female. Their living arrangement quickly changed. We do not know for sure who the father is. One of the boys was purchased at a different location than the other male and female but it is possible that the 2 that were at the same store were the 2 that mated. We might never know. If they were siblings, will we have a problem?
The eggs candle with a bullseye. I just do not know for sure how long the eggs were there and their moist hide is the cool side.
I am just freaked out that this happened.
Any info is appreciated. (not that we can do much at this point other than incubate and hope for the best)
Thanks for hearing me out. I am so freaked out and excited and worried about the females young age!
EEK. Thanks again and stories/info welcome and needed.