How do you feel when someone rehomes a gecko you sold them?


New Member
Oregon, IL
I was on craigslist today and saw an ad for a gecko I sold two months ago. There was a picture that showed his unique markings and they used the same name I gave him - - I'm sure it's the same one. They're selling him for less than I sold him for, too, so it's not like a money making scheme or anything.

It's weird because I remember the woman I sold him to. She's someone who was really excited about this guy. She'd been looking for a gecko for a long time. We had an almost two hour conversation about care and she seemed really interested. I guess it was just a phase?

I emailed her and said I'd take him back, but I don't know if she'll even respond. I don't know how to feel about this.


Geckos of Oz
Las Vegas, NV
Id be bummed out and annoyed. I know your probally like me. All my geckos are my pets I love and are apart of the family. When I sell one I want them to goto a great life long home. I hope you get in touch with her figure out why 'rehome' and get your fella back in good hands.


New Member
Central Florida
It would make me angry. People who buy pets should realize it's a lifetime commitment. Either your lifetime, or the lifetime of the pet. It's a real shame that some people treat pets like toys and resell them when they've lost their interest or luster.

You might try doing what some animal adoption agencies do, and make buyers sign a contract. Usually, they have some clauses like a "right of first refusal" to the seller if the buyer decides they no longer want the animal. They also sometimes contain things like "do not modify the pet medically" or some such, if thats something that applies. The contracts are probably not legally binding, but they might make people think twice about what they are getting into. You might also want to throw something in about their lifespan, in case they hadn't thought about how long they can live...

We once adopted a cat with a clean bill of health, only to find out that he had FIV, Bartonella, and tape worms. It was, and continues to be to most expensive adoption of our lives. But when you adopt an animal, reptile, mammal, it doesn't matter - it is your responsibility.

I applaud you for being willing to take the gecko back. It shows how much you really care about the pets you're breeding and that you have a dedication to getting them all good homes.


New Member
Oregon, IL
I mean, I don't want to sound like a hypocrite here. I've bought animals as breeders with the understanding that I'd have them for a season or two for breeding then find it a new home.

I've never bought an animal as a pet and then decided a few months later that I didn't want it anymore, though. I feel like there's a distinct difference there..


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I agree that people should take pets as a serious responsibility. However, when I sell a gecko, though I'm available even years later to consult (and last month did take back a gecko I'd sold by the family's request), I feel that when I sell them, I've let them go and it's not my responsibility anymore. That doesn't mean I don't care about the fate of the animal, but it's out of my jurisdiction.



Chicagoland IL
I've never bought an animal as a pet and then decided a few months later that I didn't want it anymore, though. I feel like there's a distinct difference there..

I have to admit that sometimes certain pets are just not the right fit. I once had a guinea pig. For 6 months. I fed the guinea pig and held the guinea pig and named him and gave him everything he needed. But I could not for the life of me get that guinea pig to like me. He was terrified of me. He would run so hard into his hide box that he's spray litter everywhere. And I don't think it was anything I'd done. He came from a pet store where people were allowed to pick him up all the time. He couldn't stand silence. So when I took him to the pet store where he would be adopted out, it was noisy and chaotic and he was chilled and relaxed. He was just not right for me, no matter how I tried. So I found him a better home.

I'll admit that Craigslist is not the place to find the right home.


New Member
Miami, FL
I saw the add on craigslist the other day and thought how odd it was! I remembered seeing him in an add here and I was just like... what the heck???


Active Member
Southern Illinois
I'd be annoyed and disappointed, too, but I'd correspond with that woman and would try to buy him back from her. Who knows what happened -- maybe her husband didn't want it, or her kids didn't treat it well, or she lost her job or her apartment, and couldn't afford its care any more... Better to sell the gecko than neglect him or expose him to improper treatment! I'd personally never buy anything from craiglist, but it might be the last refuge for some people, especially if they're not members of any online reptile forum and don't know how to rehome a gecko otherwise.

If you end up taking him back, make sure he comes back healthy and not full of parasites or so. This will probably not happen if it was the woman's only gecko. Hope everything turns out well and this gecko will have a nice new home or get back to where he is cherished :main_thumbsup:



New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Maybe the woman doesn't realize that you'd take the animal back if she could no longer keep it. People's situations change, maybe she didn't like it as she thought she would, maybe she lost her job and can't afford to feed another mouth. Could be anything. Hopefully she will get back in touch with you and surrender the animal.


New Member
i think sometimes people get a pet and have all the best intentions but then situations change and life happens.My husband had a ferret and he REALLY loved Nibbles but with his work schedule and my son's ....what seems like year round baseball activites and college showcases and such, he didnt have enough time to give her anymore. We spent alot of time duscussing the situation and finally decided that we needed to find her a better home. We spent several months and we finally found her a great new home. We have "visitation" rights whenever we want, lol. She gets alot of attention between her new daddy and his family.


New Member
I think its a little ridiculous to get upset about something like this. The pet was sold to another person and it became theres, period. what they do with it after that is of no concern to anyone, of course if theres neglect or abuse thats completely different. She is selling the animal, not flushing it down the toilet or just releasing it to meet its demise. She no longer wants it and is doing the right thing by selling it to someone that will take care of it.

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