So what if your over 30, you might as well be 90? I dont like being the highest possible age available! I'd be interested in knowing if there were people that were in their 50's, 60s, or that would be interesting!
So what if your over 30, you might as well be 90? I dont like being the highest possible age available! I'd be interested in knowing if there were people that were in their 50's, 60s, or that would be interesting!
I agree! I wonder how many elderly people would keep geckos? I'm 27 myself. I'm pretty happy with my age :main_yes: just finally getting to know what I want in life
I'm 34, been keeping herps since my 20's, and imagine that I'll likely keep them all my life bc my passion hasn't subsided one bit since the day I bought my first herp.
I didn't quite know how to answer the poll for I fit into three of the answers! I am older than 15 (>15) I am also 25 to 29 and I am younger than 30 (<30)! Granted I will be 30 in about four months!
I am 10 Years old and turning 11 in 11 days Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
My leo is 10 months old turning 11 months in a 11 days
We are just ment to be you know
19. and this poll more accurately shows how old the gecko keepers are that are members of this site... there are probably a ton of youngsters that own leo's that dont use the forum