Humid Hide, Which Side Does it Go On?

Where do put your humid hide?

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Atlanta, GA
texas lol im in florida thats humid. an i put mine int he middle and lea has been in there for two days just chilling its her new fav place to hide.


New Member
Cool side is where i keep mine. it stays dry during the time she is not shedding, and when i notice her color fading, ill spary the inside of the container and the paper towels in the base. She really only uses it when she is shedding, and has never had any issues getting all the skin off. Make sure it stays nice and moist, and you wont have any problems.

I use a ziploc container with 2 paper towels folded up into the square shape of it. it holds the moisture that is needed with 1 good soaking during her shed time.

Hope this info helps :)


New Member
Middle. I look at it this way. They also use it too cool down, so if it's in the hot side it will defeat that purpose. I would not put it in the cool side because the last thing you want is a wet and cold reptile.


New Member
I am not trying to be rude and I hope no one gets offended by this. And I will state that I am a HUGE beginner in the world of leopard geckos.

With that said.. As far as people making statements that the humid hide will dry out too fast if kept on the warm side. If it has beneficial affects for your gecko, then can't you just add some water more often? My humid hide is right next to my UTH, and I only have to add water every few days. My baby leo has had 3 completely clean sheds since coming home.

I can understand not putting a water dish on the warm side, because there would be no benefit to it and just create more work. But a hide is different. It's sort of like saying, I only feed my gecko small portions so he defecates less.

I could not agree anymore


New Member
As of 2 mikes ago "The middle". We have had Gieco's humid hide on the heated side since we adopted him.

We recently swapped from paper towel to moss inside the humid hide and he has not spent alot of time in the humid hide since. So based on this thread.. I thought maybe a move to the middle would be benefincial.

Heres the other monkey wrench I will throw in the mix..

My understanding (correct me if I am wrong) is that leopard geckos, in a natural environment, live in arrid / desert type environments. My experience in these environments is that during the day heat temps rise and at night they significantly fall. (my experience is based on some time in Iraq/A-Ghan and a wee bit of Southern Africa).

Based on that and the fact that we live in Hockeytown. I have added a second UTH immediatly to the left of our 1st undertank heater in our 20 gallon tank . It gets switched on at 7 am. and switched off at 7 pm. This is my attempt to create a day/night hot/cool cycle in the tank.

I still maintain a cool side. As the two heaters combined do not cover more then half of the bottom of the tank.. and the middle one only heats during daylight hours.



New Member
Los Angeles
I put mine on the warm side. I find that the hide has more humidity. I think if its on the cool side the gecko might not go in it too much because of the low temps. Unless of course you adjust temperatures accordingly.


New Member
My original geckos always had their moist hides in the middle, but more on the warm side of the middle. Will be about the same placement for my new geckos, once I figure out the exact dimensions to make the hides in all four enclosures.


New Member
I did the middle based on the general impression i got from reading this thread. My gecko spends the majority of his time in there and also uses it for sleeping, so it seems to be working out well in that area of the temperature gradient. I would rather gecko use moist hide more often than strictly necessary than have issues with shedding because gecko doesn't want to use it at all.


New Member
NE Ohio
I have always kept them in the middle. Yesterday I moved them to the cool side (the reptile room is usually pretty warm), and my younger gecko went in and doesn't want to come out now.


New Member
United States
Mine spans over the warm and cool side so they can pick a temperature. They seem to prefer the warm side of the humid hide at the moment. They only go in a few days before a shed and a day after the shed. Otherwise they like to be dry, it seems.

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