I always thought of a humid hide needing warmth and as long as you keep misting the hide it shouldn't dry out, my leo rarely uses it and sheds well so will only change if he starts to have bad sheds.
Also, we have two hides. I have seen people use one (moist hide) on the cool side with plenty of sucess. If the geckos are in a rack system that is like an AP rack, then using a bunch of hides is really unnessary. They feel plenty secure in the dark rack.
Well if you are properly heating your geckos environment, there should be no reason to keep the humid hide on the warm side... Putting the humid hide on the warm side makes it "too inviting" to a leo and they will spent too much time in an environment that is too humid... Too much time spent in a humid environment can cause problems such as URIs and skin issues such as scale rot and othe fungus infections, and abscesses...
The only reason your leo should be in the humid hide is if it is either shedding or laying eggs... There is no other reason for the humid hide...
If the temps on your cool side are in the mid 80's as it should be, the container will build up plenty of humidity...
Another plus to keeping your humid hide on the cool end is that it will not dry out nearly as fast...