Hurt Feelings


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
It's funny how I've never really been exposed to other people's strong opinions towards reptiles especially those towards my own. Until recently. When I tell people that I own a lizard, I get shudders, stares, and even derisive snickering. I'm lucky that my mom thinks it's cool that I have lizards now as we've always had cats. And still, in my opinion, a home isn't a home without one. Although now I'm beginning to feel the same can be said for geckos.

Anyway, the point of this rant was to voice my hurt feelings when people assume that I'm somehow 'weird' or 'unclean' when I say that I own a leopard gecko. Granted sometimes I get surprises followed by "oh, hey I have <insert reptile(s) here>".

My husband's grandmother (with whom we were staying with when in Vancouver just recently) had such a strong reaction to me getting a gecko I found myself actually feeling hurt - and worried that she wouldn't even want it in her house. I had to keep it there because we weren't going home for another day or so. Luckily she was fine as long as she didn't have to see him.

I don't understand why people can think reptiles are so 'ugly' or 'disturbing'. I've had some people say one of the reasons is because they shed their skin. I have to laugh. Humans are constantly shedding their skin and hair and it makes more of a mess than any reptile shed.

But I suppose it's a similar reaction to me feeling uncomfortable around spiders and centipedes that aren't behind glass. I still find them fascinating, but they're definately not something I'd like to find in my bed. I still don't freak when people tell me that they own a tarantula. Then again I was the kind of kid that would go looking for giant spiders and lizards in my backyard. When I was three or so, I actually picked up a wasp and proudly brought it to show my mom that I had caught a bug. Needless to say, for some reason, I've never been stung by a bee or wasp. They don't seem to notice me. I've even petted a bumble bee before. (Cutest. Bee. Ever.)

Has anyone else felt alienated when they tell people they own a lizard? Even before I got into this hobby, I didn't understand the stigma surrounding them.


I've got PLENTY of reactions, and then there are those that hate reptiles and think they should be whiped from the face of the earth because of their religion...which annoys me the most.

I can understand fear of the reptile, and missunderstanding. That's just how the world is, sadly, but I use my time to help educate those that don't understand. I just kind of give up hope for some. My boyfriend, for one. He doesn't fear them, he just doesn't want them on him, or anything of the sort.


I've never gotten a reaction like that for my gecko, other than people saying 'Eh, not really a gecko person,' which is of course fine, but when I mention that I might be getting a snake people tend to get snippy. I'm living with my parents during college and they won't even let me get one because 'keeping snakes is weird.'

I understand how you feel. Could be worse, though. Imagine someone finding out you're Wiccan... and keep reptiles! It's like they think I'm some kind of psycho. Sigh. People will be stupid no matter what. No point letting idiots upset us - they don't really have a lot going for them, anyway.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Jeez, I can't stand prejudice. There are many schools of thought and even religions that I don't agree with. It doesn't mean I'm going to degrade someone for it. I try not to get too snippy when someone overreacts about me keeping a little lizard. But I'm the kind that can't hide her feelings very well.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
I've got PLENTY of reactions, and then there are those that hate reptiles and think they should be whiped from the face of the earth because of their religion...which annoys me the most.

I can understand fear of the reptile, and missunderstanding. That's just how the world is, sadly, but I use my time to help educate those that don't understand. I just kind of give up hope for some. My boyfriend, for one. He doesn't fear them, he just doesn't want them on him, or anything of the sort.

My husband doesn't much care for them either, but he was very good about taking care of my Tiamat while I was away for a week. He did an awesome job! :D

And not liking reptiles because of their "religion"?? I could totally rant on that, but I don't want to offend anyone. >.> But I can totally see why that would urk you. :p


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
I get a lot of flak for owning reptiles as well. People freak out and ask me why I want to own something that can kill me...Yeah, like my leos and crestie are going to eat me in my sleep. And then when I bring up the fact that I'm setting up to get a snake in the near future..then it really gets hairy. They're afraid of something that they don't understand and have no desire to find out about. It's frustrating but I fear it isn't a stigma that will soon go away. :( That's why all of us reptile owners need to be as responsible as possible and if we can, educate others when we have the chance..


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I get alot of those types of reactions. Like they can't believe I raise these animals on purpose.
When someone starts getting all vocal about how creepy my animals are and they're nasty, I have one line that I use that always shuts them up.

"Its funny you say that. I feel that same way about dogs."

Works like a charm every time.

*For the record, dogs don't bug me. Just trying to make a point*


New Member
I get alot of those types of reactions. Like they can't believe I raise these animals on purpose.
When someone starts getting all vocal about how creepy my animals are and they're nasty, I have one line that I use that always shuts them up.

"Its funny you say that. I feel that same way about dogs."

Works like a charm every time.

*For the record, dogs don't bug me. Just trying to make a point*

LOL, Nice :main_thumbsup:

I have also found that a lot of people that cringe after I tell them I have geckos seem to not think its so bad when I tell them " Yeah you know like the one on the gei*o commercials". Then they become cute all of a sudden. (gei*o - wasn't sure if I could use the name :) )


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I do gotta admit, though. The look a person has when they first find out I have reptiles is priceless.
You would think I just told them I eat babies.


Yeah, when religion gets mixed into gets under my skin quit. All of a sudden I'm a Devil Worshiper, and I hate all of man kind. I hope no one takes offense to this, but it's mainly Christians of a specific church (Baptist). They FREAK about it. Even a little lizard. They automatically think they are all slimy, dirty, disease carrying creatures out to kill you. I got through to a lot of people though through bringing some lizards to school for them to interact with (this happened a lot in high school). I quickly became known as the "Lizard Lady". I would mainly bring my now passed bearded dragon, Miss Priss. Had her for 10 years, and she would always do great around people. Even brought her to parks if it was super nice out, and would have a crowd of kids and parents around me asking questions. I've noticed, as well, that little girls are the first to want to react with a reptile (even got a little girl to hold a tarantula once that I used as an example at a pet store I worked at, the T was great and would actually let me flip her over to show of her fangs, then I would show them how 'tame' she was by 'petting' her fangs and belly), then little boys. Parents are very skeptical about them though. Miss Priss was great for the kids though. I'd bring collard greens so they could hand feed her, and such. Anyone that ever met her loved her.

I hope to one day do shows, specifically for kids, to teach them about these amazing creatures, in hopes that they will grow to respect, or even love, these animals, and change this awful steriotype.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Yeah, when religion gets mixed into gets under my skin quit. All of a sudden I'm a Devil Worshiper, and I hate all of man kind. I hope no one takes offense to this, but it's mainly Christians of a specific church (Baptist). They FREAK about it. Even a little lizard. They automatically think they are all slimy, dirty, disease carrying creatures out to kill you. I got through to a lot of people though through bringing some lizards to school for them to interact with (this happened a lot in high school). I quickly became known as the "Lizard Lady". I would mainly bring my now passed bearded dragon, Miss Priss. Had her for 10 years, and she would always do great around people. Even brought her to parks if it was super nice out, and would have a crowd of kids and parents around me asking questions. I've noticed, as well, that little girls are the first to want to react with a reptile (even got a little girl to hold a tarantula once that I used as an example at a pet store I worked at, the T was great and would actually let me flip her over to show of her fangs, then I would show them how 'tame' she was by 'petting' her fangs and belly), then little boys. Parents are very skeptical about them though. Miss Priss was great for the kids though. I'd bring collard greens so they could hand feed her, and such. Anyone that ever met her loved her.

I hope to one day do shows, specifically for kids, to teach them about these amazing creatures, in hopes that they will grow to respect, or even love, these animals, and change this awful steriotype.

You know what's funny is that most people that were interested in reptiles when I worked at a pet store were girls/women. I'd get a lot of boys and even men coming in and freaking out about the reptiles. I couldn't even get them to hold a snake. It's so different from when I was a kid. It was the other way around. Boys thought it was cool to throw bugs and stuff at girls and were often the first to want to handle the snakes in my biology teacher's class. The boys in the recent generations have all become wusses. lol


I noticed that too! My mother, aunt, and grandmother all held my gecko and seemed really interested (my aunt is very shy and my grandmother is a very traditional Irish lady, and they still were fine) but my dad, an ex-Marine from the Vietnam era, won't touch her. What's all this about?!


I've been told that I'm putting my children's lives in danger from owning a ball python. :main_rolleyes:

I usually tell people I let them play in traffic at rush hour too. :D

But seriously I understand that people have preconceived notions about certain things. I personally have a strong aversion to Disney princesses and the color pink but you don't see me shooting down 4 year old little "princesses" and their princess loving mothers with a beebee gun at the mall. I just wish everyone could live and let live.


Crazy Animal Lady
backwoods GA , USA
how about this for a funny reptile/church story (not meant to OFFEND anyone- just comical)

i texted my friend matt who works at ***** and occasionally helps me move animals- illegially per ***** as he should be selling theirs but for the people who know what they are doing he sells better stuff that i have sometimes- so sent him this ( word for word from my phone)

"hey its C. I have 2 bb's pos. hets for diablo blanco but idk. m/f paired up and possibility females bred."

i got this back ( via voice mail and not a direct quote)

Hi, this is XXXX XXXX. I want you to know that you texted me this morning and I'd like to set aside some time to discuss the nature of your text message and the possiblity of opening the door to jesus and closing the portal you have open to the darkside.

the words nature of your text and portal to the dark side are direct quotes...

other than that everyone i know my age 'gets' reptiles so i dont have an issue- but my best friend ( who's 20 years older than me) constantly tells me to sell everything and why do i even have them.


Oh, dear. When he heard 'diablo blanco' and 'females bred' I'm sure he thought you were forcing women to have babies for ritual sacrifice... Yeah, it is sort of funny. :D


Ha, wow..that's great!

Yeah, men now are wusses! My dad, although I finally got him to come around a bit, HATES snakes...with a passion. Well, I finally got him to hold a cali. king I used to have.

I'm always picking on my boyfriend. One of my cresties jumped on him one day, and he cringed and was just like "get it off! get it off!". I go "Babe...I've been bit by hundreds of snakes, lizards, birds, dogs, cats...even some of those snakes being a 16 ft anaconda...with the tattoo to prove it...and you're scared of this cute little guy?"


New Member
I get in fights with my step dad's mother all the time. I'm not really on speaking terms with her anymore because of her ignorance. I used to call her my grandmother but I'm hesitant to even do that anymore because I really do not want to associate with her. One of the many many many problems I have with her is her constant insulting me about my reptiles. Without fail, every single time I visit her she will describe in detail about how the birds around her Florida house eat the anoles. She does this with full knowledge that I used to keep anoles. The last time I saw her she actually had the nerve to tell me that "all reptiles should be banned", that it's "cruel to keep them", because they've all been "ripped from their natural environments" and that I "should be ashamed" for putting my animals in misery. Out of respect for my mother who was sitting next to me I didn't totally rip her a new one though I was about to. I simply said, "Most reptiles are captive born, it's generally frowned upon to keep wild caught animals and some are considered domesticated by people. They're certainly neater than the dogs you so love and they certainly smell less." I got what I call the "stuck-up-old-lady" look of defeat and she shut up.

She's definitely an exception to what most people are like when they know I have reptiles. I've never experienced anyone else so rude and ignorant out of comfort of internet anonymity. Most people are either like, "Aww, lemme see!" or, "Uhm...just keep it away from me."

My mother has an extreme fear of snakes, she won't even look at one, but she loves to feed my geckos and I've caught her talking to them from time to time. As long as she doesn't have to touch them she doesn't care.

As for guy's of this generation being wusses, never noticed that but come to think of it I know more girls my age that take care of reptiles than guys.


Rest In Peace jmlslayer
The S.F. Bay Area, California, U.S.A.
This reminds me of a time I was in a local pet store. At the time I had an albino Burm that was about 8 ft. long. I had my snake with me in a pillowcase at the store and there was a guy in line with a pretty large Green Iguana on his shoulder. When I got in line the guy asked me, "What's in the bag?" I answered back with, "A Burmese Python." In a split second the guy jumped clear across the store. I thought it was funny because all I could think was, "Man, do I have news for you... you're surrounded!" I'll never forget the look on that guys face... and he never even saw the snake! lol


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I never really got a lot of prejudice for my reptiles. Sure I get some weird looks now and again and the occasional, "eewww, why?" but nothing derogatory or out of the ordinary for the usual reptile fearing person lol.

I give presentations on reptile genetics every now and then for my highschool bio teacher's classes. And you're right the girls are always much more willing to pet the animals and interact with them. I have to laugh because the big "tough guys" are absolutely terrified of the little geckos and rosy boa.

People just tend to fear what they don't understand. I find for the most part though people are willing to learn, at least in my experience.


I remember once taking my dragon, Miss Priss, to school to show one of my teacher's biology classes. Was in their every period, showing a new class. The cheerleaders even touched her before the foot ball players would.

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