I am stuck....



thanks glad I got this sorted out I work better when I have a clear goal.


New Member
okapi said:
A hybino blizzard would be a blazing blizzard, Since the blizzard gene blocks the pattern and color.

Thinking along the line of hybino i've seen some intence orange RAPTOR/APTOR's though blizzard is no pattern it has and does let colour through i've seen some very bright banana blizzard.I wonder if that's what will make the Diablo blanco [White head,ruby eyes,tangeringe body,either white or very carrottail tail] now that would be the way to take this leo if this is not the case.And though blizzard is't pattern you may see pattern through the color if the body is tangerine so maybe see the stripe affect from the RAPTOR.A more apeeling leo to own not for what it's het for but it may well be a visual strain in it own right ? maybe that's why you only see the head ??.


Yea maby, and I would love to have a DB project, but damn are they expensive I'll leave that to ya'll with deep pockets cause mine only go so far down.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
[Username] said:
Yea maby, and I would love to have a DB project, but damn are they expensive I'll leave that to ya'll with deep pockets cause mine only go so far down.

LOL... I dont think many of us here have deep pockets... Its just when you see something you really want you save for it... Or do like I do and just put money away every month for the "gecko fund" and if something new comes out that you really like, you can buy it early on...


Gregg M said:
What??? I think people just make things up as they go along...:main_laugh:

There is no such thing as a hybino blizzard... A hybino is a hypo albino.... It has nothing to do with blizzards...

Anyway the thing that threw me off is that you said the eyes were gold colored...

He was talking about what to call a blazing blizzard produced from a hybino het blizzard bred to a blazing blizzard.


Well if she is, she is doing it quietly cause I haven't see any talk bout it in my research on it but still possible. I will definatly get more expensive morphs if my project yeilds some good results with in the projected 2-3 year plan. Maby one day I'll be able to dedicate a whole room to them and maby a buisness but for now its just a learning experience and hobby. I really whish I knew someone who was a breeder in my area personally (richmond Va area) but haven't heard of any.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I found it-Kelli did prove out her banana blizzard-it's actually mentioned in quite a few blizzard discussions. I have no idea who else has though. Maybe prehistoric pets??? Do a search on blizzards here and there are some discussions about the diff blizzard morphs in general and crossing them.


Well, well, well I must have a talk with kelli as she most deffinatly would have what I want(that is if she made them same as I plan to). Kelli if you have any tremper PAs or TPAs het blizzard plz make me aware of their price and abundance only females plz. By the way kelli how did you make those bananna blizzards?


Bells Rule!
I have a gecko which is supposed to be a true Banana Blizzard and when I showed her off several people thought she was a Patternless. I've been trying to breed her to a Mack Snow het Blizzard 50% het Bell to prove out the Blizzard side, but she isn't being very receptive. If I do prove her to at least be Blizzard that will be sweet because I'm the person that Daniel mentioned who's going to be working on orange Blizzards. That project is on hold until next year, but if you can wait I will hopefully prove her to be Patternless as well and I'll have lots of Blizzards het Patternless.

She's the one on the bottom...
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New Member
Seminole, Fl
Mike, I was wondering how that project was coming along on proving her out. She's so pretty. I had a female that would not breed since Jan who finally did about 2 weeks ago-though diff bell male-so maybe your girl will come around this year.


Bells Rule!
boutiquegecko said:
Mike, I was wondering how that project was coming along on proving her out. She's so pretty. I had a female that would not breed since Jan who finally did about 2 weeks ago-though diff bell male-so maybe your girl will come around this year.

I sure hope so! I've been putting the male in with her every week for almost two months and everytime she throws a fit. Next week I'm going to throw my Snake Eyed Mack Snow het Blizz 50% het Bell in with her hoping she'll like him better. :main_yes:

EDIT: Username, I forgot to mention if she proves out double homo Patternless Blizzard I'll also make Patternless het Blizzard.
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New Member
Seminole, Fl
Patty's are growing on me I have to say. But it's got to be one project at a time for me. I don't have the space to pursue putting a patty into my bell mix right now. And if I have one just to look at it's too tempting come breeding season :)
How are you figuring out your outcomes? I've tried the genetics wizard, but soon as I start inputing more than 2 morphs I just get all lost. Is there a program everyone here is using with your double/triple morphs to figure out what you may get?


Bells Rule!
boutiquegecko said:
How are you figuring out your outcomes? I've tried the genetics wizard, but soon as I start inputing more than 2 morphs I just get all lost. Is there a program everyone here is using with your double/triple morphs to figure out what you may get?

I do it in my head and record it with MS Word. It's really simple once you've gone through it like a thousand times! :main_laugh: I also have a lot of time on my hands...


I figured since you didnt mention it earlier you were trying to keep quiet about it :p


Thats good I'd loveto get a couple female pattys het bliz. You oughta add tremper albino in with the mix and see what happens. Thats what I wanna try but what you will be making will be very useful. An orange blizzard will be cool but a way to make a BB orange is wow.


Bells Rule!
okapi said:
I figured since you didnt mention it earlier you were trying to keep quiet about it :p

Nah... I'm just a little breeder so I don't keep anything secret.

Username, I don't really care much for Trempers and it's possible that some of the offspring from her this season could be het for Bell and I wouldn't want to cross the two strains.


Yea I definatly don't wanna mix the albino genes together not so good for my project. I do how ever need to find 2 females (TR)PAs and if they are het. blizzard put them on hold now and contact me plz and we'll work out payment. Also I need a female mack snow or MSS co-dom het TR Albino or maby even a TR Albino MSS plz contact me by email thanks.

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