I just got a fat tail, to spray or not to spray that is the question.



Hey there fellow gecko enthusiasts, I have a very important question that I can't seem to find on google. The breeder told me: yes well, these lizards are only slightly different from leopard geckos in the seance that they need more moisture.

Should I spray the little guy with a spray bottle? I do this to my leo when he is near molting. He hated it at first but now enjoys it because it seems to help him get his shed off.

Should I spray the little guy every day? He seems to hate it.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
One of my fat tails in particular really liked to drink the droplets of water and since I have a planted tank, I would spray some mornings (the enclosure, not the gecko) to provide drinking drops.



Alright well, I made a humid hole but he hates it. Any tips fellow reptile lovers? Atm no luck.
(I'm happy to say he is eating well. btw Currently sitting my shoulder. :)) Do any of you have good blue prints for one that he will like. He's kind of cramped in a 15 gal for now. So it does have to be small.

Also do I put the himid hole on the cold side or the warm side?


One of my fat tails in particular really liked to drink the droplets of water and since I have a planted tank, I would spray some mornings (the enclosure, not the gecko) to provide drinking drops.


lol nice! Good idea. My leo actually likes to lick the droplets directly off his head when I spray him lol. it's so cute! Man leo is huge, I wish he wasn't a male or I wouldn't have to cram my Tod in a 15 gal until I can get a bigger tank.

By the way... do they need at least a 20 gallon long or 30 gallon like leopard geckos? Because he doesn't seem as active as a lep


Mine loves her humid hide...I have a tupperware container half filled with ecoearth...I have the lid on the top but with a corner cut out of the lid and she climbs in there regularly. It turns out the top of the lid is her potty..the only place she ever goes...so I just take the tupperware out daily, clean the lid where and spray the bedding and we are good to go.

My girl has some issue with her tail and when I was trying to figure out what is going on with it, I tried spraying it directly to get it really clean....that was the only time my sweetie has ever hissed in the whole time I have had her...she REALLY didn't like being misted. I have never tried misting my leopard's directly...maybe I should try it. They are kind of grumpy girls already so if they don't like it, I shudder to think what they will be like madder-LOL.


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