I love these girls


New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
i'm liking that eclipse. Did you produce her?

That eclipse is one of the best I have seen let alone owned. She wasn't produced by me and I consider it pretty luck on how I acquired her. It was a fairly local individual who said he was kickin' himself for getting rid of her. She was basically one of those fluke outcomes from a mediocre pairing. The sun, stars, and the moon all lined up when the genetics were passed to her from mom and dad. She is one gecko that is hard to find a comparable male for that isn't gonna take a big chunk out of the back account.

wow that last gecko is so cool!

Thank you! She is a gorgeous gecko.

Very nice Justin. Keep me posted on those.

Thanks and will do! I hope to have offspring from the bell project in the next 3 years that are a bit different than most bells out there. Not a necessarily a new genetic line but something that could have potential to work itself in that direction. The project is still in the beginnings and I hope to produce a nice male this year that shows the qualities I want for another female in this project. Only time will tell.


New Member
I love the one on the far right! Her face and nose are just awesome! I wish we were able to breed to specifically produce markings, I would love to have a gecko with that kind of face :)

Edit: Well, as in specific markings like that, of course we can still breed jungles and such if we wanted to, right? Or do they just happen?

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