I think I inspired a monster...


New Member
Miami, FL
So, there's this girl I work with. She means well, but she's one of those that's always comparing her current job with her previous one ("Well...at BANFIELD we used to do this...etc").

She always has a problem that she needs to leave early for, while the rest of us clean up her messes...

Anyways, she's brand new to our practice...oh, i'd say about 3 or 4 months at best...and I guess one of the first things that the folks I work with told her about me (i'm her trainer) was that I really enjoy reptiles. She heard about my past season, and how I was super sucessful with my hatchlings.

She lives with her boyfriend, and I guess they have a "colony" of bearded dragons. At least 10 of them, maybe more, i'm not even sure. Juvies, adults, males, females....all in one big...wait for it...20 gallon long.

They get 12 hours of room light, and 12 hours of darkness. They do not have a heat source or a UVB source.

What does she feed them? Iceberg and romaine lettuce along with crickets...

I asked her what morphs they are, she said she's not sure. But they're a "really pretty orange color"...and so her and her boyfriend are going to breed them. Because they're pretty. And, secause she says she needs the extra cash.

Oh and by the way she noticed some mites last night, and do I know how to get rid of them.

I have not been able to reasonably talk to this girl without getting extremely pissed off...

I wish I was kidding, but I couldn't be more serious.

I just want to hit her...preferably with my SUV.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Tell her to toss a few leos in there, she will fit in perfectly with our friend from the other night. :main_rolleyes:


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
best thing to do would be to educate of course as a first step. some people are animal lovers, but just aren't quite sure how to care for them. much less take the time and effort to search for then info themselves. just because she is completely clueless doesn't mean the animals have to go uncared for. 10 beardie babies in a 20 long is cramped in my eyes, but that would piss me off as well. next time you have to talk to her, take some "happy" pills ;)


New Member
Miami, FL
Tell her to toss a few leos in there, she will fit in perfectly with our friend from the other night. :main_rolleyes:

LOL! :main_laugh:
At this point, I just might tell her that.

best thing to do would be to educate of course as a first step. some people are animal lovers, but just aren't quite sure how to care for them. much less take the time and effort to search for then info themselves. just because she is completely clueless doesn't mean the animals have to go uncared for. 10 beardie babies in a 20 long is cramped in my eyes, but that would piss me off as well. next time you have to talk to her, take some "happy" pills ;)

When I first met this girl, and I first heard about the crowding situation, I gave her SEVERAL care sheets, I refered her to several reptile forums, I gave her the name of my PERSONAL reptile veterinarian...I had a detailed discussion regarding husbandry, feeders, lighting, etc...and I got the "deer in headlights" look. Apparently all the time and energy I spend printing out caresheets and talking about the importance of thermoregulation, UVB, calcium and proper vegetables went in one ear and out the other.

It just makes me so mad...THESE are the kind of people that are ruining our hobby! She doesn't want to breed because she loves reptiles and wants to add to the genetic diversity of bearded dragons. She wants to breed because they're orange and they're pretty.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Consider going with just 1 point with her. I'd choose between- that's too many beardies in 1 tank (they'll take off each others' feet) or -lettuce has no nutrition. See if you can get her to change 1 thing (unless you've given up on her). Then go for the next one. Good luck.



Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
Geez... wow... wooow umm yea, that's a little awkward. If you can't tell her in person maybe write a little letter regarding your concerns as politely as possible and leave it at her desk? Keep me updated, this is interesting!

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