I want to buy more geckos!!


Happy Gecko Family
I want more geckos but space is limited in my home!! Arggg!! If you've seen the post about my gecko room, I only have 3 spaces left. There are so many morphs I want to get (I love blazing blizards and I don't even have one at the moment!! Why~~~) Plus my roach colony is booming and I need more mouths to keep the numbers down...;)

I am having a hard time to hold back as I don't want to fill up all the spaces all at once; but as I live overseas, usually I'll need to buy 2-3 geckos to meet the minimum order. But anyway, the last time I bought geckos (Hardee and Lemsip) was 2006 already; I REALLY REALLY want to get more geckos now; but I can't!! I'm trying to preserve those 3 empty spaces for future joy! This is a hard time for me!!

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Golden Gate Geckos said:
Ahhhh.... it's called the "empty vivarium syndrome"!
It's a real problem, not a joke at all. We had a 75 gallon collecting dust and we would constantly drum up plans for more animals that we didn't need to fill it. We finally just put the darn thing into storage. We have gained some decent self control and set some "limits" ...but every time a new tub opens we don't waste much time to fill it :D I agree though, it's super hard.

If you're restricted on space, try doing what we do. Replace some animals every year (though it is more expensive in your case). I know it's also hard to let certain animals go, but maybe you could create a cycle so you can have some fun new morphs to enjoy.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Every time I think I'm at capacity for cages I find another place. Two more cages coming from glasscages on 5/11!



New Member
o0 Ryan 0o said:
It's a real problem, not a joke at all. We had a 75 gallon collecting dust and we would constantly drum up plans for more animals that we didn't need to fill it. We finally just put the darn thing into storage. We have gained some decent self control and set some "limits" ...but every time a new tub opens we don't waste much time to fill it :D I agree though, it's super hard.

If you're restricted on space, try doing what we do. Replace some animals every year (though it is more expensive in your case). I know it's also hard to let certain animals go, but maybe you could create a cycle so you can have some fun new morphs to enjoy.

I agree. I tend not to let tubs go empty for long. I've found a trick. In 1 of my 2 empty tubs, I've loaded it with extra tupper ware housing. This way it appears full, and with the other I have food bowls, which makes me think they're full. I don't have room for any more. I amd definitely making cut backs at the end of breeding season. I don't know how I'm going to even make it through with 2 empty tubs. :-\ Luckily, I do have a ton of extra aquariums I can find places for.


New Member
I think it would be better to fill those spaces slowly. For example, waiting a year between buying one gecko and another. When you buy one gecko the excitement is the same than when you buy three, and this way you can feel it several times.

Aren't there any reptile shows where you live where American or European breeders ship so you can buy just one?


New Member
I know that feeling all too well! I've got a basement (about 1000 sq ft or so), but I limit myself to about 200 sq ft for the collection. I've managed to squeeze 6-48" wire racks and 6-36" wire racks in that area and that's not including my quarantine rack, the feeder rack or the "Frog rack" I'm about to set up. The only thing that keeps me under control (And I don't claim to have a lot of it...) is the cost of building new cages. Unless I buy a pallet of material at once (Be it glass or some plastic), it isn't very cost effective to own a collection this size. I've been purposely avoiding buying alot of animals because I'll be doing a complete overhaul soon (all new custom vivaria, environmental control system , etc.) and that'll bind up my resources for a while.

I know its rough, but hang in there!


Happy Gecko Family
Sandra said:
I think it would be better to fill those spaces slowly. For example, waiting a year between buying one gecko and another. When you buy one gecko the excitement is the same than when you buy three, and this way you can feel it several times.

Aren't there any reptile shows where you live where American or European breeders ship so you can buy just one?

You're right! That's what I'm trying to do at the moment, to spread out the excitement and always have something to look forward to! I bought Hardee and Lemsip in October 2006; now its about time to add more. I'm hoping that I can hold back till early next year (this is very hard!)...

There aren't any reptile shows in Hong Kong unfortunately; the reptile community here is rather small...:( The reptile shops here only sell the common morphs likes high yellows and tremper albinos. Occasionally, they have patties and blizzards also, but I have had bad experience before (got unhealthy stock which died one after the other), so I decided I will only get geckos from reliable source even if I need to pay more.

Here is my wanted list: a blazing blizard + a super giant (CHCT) + a super snow (with bold spots). But even the 3 add up, I think they'll barely meet the minimum order...so, please don't drop the price too fast~~~ ;)


Happy Gecko Family
Haroldo said:
I know that feeling all too well! I've got a basement (about 1000 sq ft or so), but I limit myself to about 200 sq ft for the collection.

Hey, my whole apartment is 1000 sq ft! Its suppose to be spacious in terms of Hong Kong estate. :main_laugh: I used to live in a 450 sq ft apartment and I managed to squeeze in 5 tanks!


New Member
The situation in Spain is more or less that, you won't see anything good in pet shops and, although there's a reptile show in Barcelona, it's not that great. But most of us who want something in particular buy from Hamm, the German reptile show, that although is not really "near", US breeders ship there and is fairly easy to move the animals between the European countries once they are in the EU.

I've never been there, but I have three animals that come from Hamm, all from different US breeders. There's always people from here that are going, I just ask one of them to bring me the animals I bought previously directly from the breeder.

I heard that in Japan there's quite a herping community (wasn't it Steve Sykes who went to a reptile show in Japan?). Not that is all that near to Hong kong, but maybe you know someone is going and can bring you your animals? Also depends on the import/export policy of both places if it is something worthwhile to do or not.

If not... You can always buy an enigma to meet the minium order, lol

Ps: Bold super snows are AWESOME. My favourite morph without a doubt, I'm still wondering why I don't have any.

Ps2: My apartment is smaller than Harold's basement too. I want room room ROOM.

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