I'm sorry, but this drives me absolutely crazy!!!


New Member
I see this grammatical error constantly not only here, but on all the other forums I frequent, in craigslist ads and pretty much anywhere else people create messages or whatever. I mean seriously did NO ONE pay attention during 5th grade English class? The error I am referring to is with "there," "their," and "they're." It seems like everyone has forgotten that there are three separate words with three distinct purposes.

There- locality Ex: I put my leopard gecko tank over THERE.

Their- plural possessive Ex: My leopard geckos like to sleep in THEIR log hide.

They're- contraction of "they are" Ex: THEY'RE going to the vet for a checkup.

I am probably one of a few people that actually notice or care about this, but it seriously annoys me! No one has perfect grammar and I don't expect anyone to, especially in a casual forum, but this error is so frequent... Oye!!
Okay... I feel better now!!!!


New Member
All the thngs goin on in the wrld and this is waht your concerened about enough to beetch about ?

You may whant to look outside yerself and see what the real problems are in the wrld and spk up bout dem..



New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
With this forum and many other, there are many members where English is their second language, so take this into consideration. At least we should be happy that they can get their point across so they can share their knowledge and beautiful animals.

On another note it would be soooooo great if we had a spell checker on here again. If anyone has seen some of my pic where I'm holding my animals you'll know I keep very long nails and type pretty fast with them and well from time to time I really mess up badly. LOL I even catch myself typing faster than I'm thinking and spell out the wrong version of a word on occasion. :eek: Luckly I'm a mod so I can fix it even if I don't notice it right away. ;)

I also cannot stand blatent misspelling of words. If peeple wood lurn to spill that wood bee grate all so....

Your just jellus!! :p

(runs to copy and paste above into spell checker... LOL)


Guilty! I habe the wurst gramar and speillng. It has allway beened a fault of me. =P

P.S. Get firefox it has a built in spell checker! Now we just need a grammar checker... hmm...


New Member
With this forum and many other, there are many members where English is their second language, so take this into consideration. At least we should be happy that they can get their point across so they can share their knowledge and beautiful animals.

Oh I am completely aware of that! If I am reading a post and notice a lot of errors (sorry I really can't help but notice!) I will check to see where the person is from and the age if possible. Sadly more often than not the mistakes are made by English speaking folks old enough to know better!!
I am also aware that people make typos and stuff, everyone does; but when someone writes something like:
"There on there way to there favorite restaurant driving there car."
Come on now! That is not a typo!

Glad to know that I am not the only one that feels this way!! :D


New Member
Washington, DC
The thing that really annoys me is when people say 'it needs washed' or similar (noun, conjugated verb, unconjugated verb with no 'to' in front). Drives me batty! Seems to be a regional thing, thank goodness. I didn't think I would survive Pennsylvania.

PS- Firefox spellchecker definitely saves me all the time.


New Member
NE Ohio
I know that it can be frustrating at times. The one that drives me crazy is one my boss does. She always writes "of coarse" instead of "of course" but it's not like I can say anything. She is my boss of course. My old boss would actually have me come into his office to proof his messages before he sent them. I was also the one who wrote all the form letters in my old department. I can understand though that some people have problems. My brother is very intelligent, but grammar and spelling have always been challenges for him.


New Member
Maryville, TN
The thing that really annoys me is when people say 'it needs washed' or similar (noun, conjugated verb, unconjugated verb with no 'to' in front). Drives me batty! Seems to be a regional thing, thank goodness. I didn't think I would survive Pennsylvania.

PS- Firefox spellchecker definitely saves me all the time.

Well, here in Tennessee you do not wash things... You "warsh'em"... and if you can't warsh it, toss it out the winder or set it on far!!!!


New Member
:( i'm guilty of this... half the time because I'm in a rush to respond and don't notice it until after and I'm looking at what I wrote like... what the hell,lol


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I know that I have to proof read just about everything I type a few times. Ken teases me about my hearing, which he didn't even know how deep it has affected me till recently. Most of you that have talked to me on the phone may or may not have noticed, but my hearing is really messed up. I'm tone deaf and sometimes things I hear come in "scrambled" (only way I can explain) and it may take me a few seconds to unscramble it. When talking to someone face to face it's much easier for me because I will read lips during a conversation. Because of my hearing issues I have a hard time pronouncing and spelling a lot of words, and I will studder sometimes especially when I'm tired. This at times comes out in my typing and I have to even take a double take and shake my head after reading what I just wrote/typed. lol

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