incubation/humidity level


New Member
What is a good humidity range for the eggs to be incubated at? I have my temps set for females (around 82-83) but don't see a lot of info regarding humidity. I wouldn't want to have it too high and risk destroying the eggs!! :main_huh: Right now it is quite high, maybe 80%, and although the eggs have been snuggled in nicely for about a month now I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong if I can help it, this is my first clutch. Lots of info about temps but not a lot about humidity (or the info is varied).

I am also using Sphagnum moss .. some sites say that it can grow mold on the eggs .. anyone else out there recommend the moss or should I switch? I live in Northen Canada and our garden centers are not even open yet so this was easier to get then Vericulite but if the moss is bad I could always try and find some bed-a-beast.
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New Member
You can order Vermiculite pretty cheap if thats what you want I cant answer your question as I have never used moss. I would think if your 30 days in and everything looks good you will prob be fine.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have a cheap hygrometer, so take this with a grain of salt. Last season with my hobovator I put the hygrometer in the incubation container and was registering humidity at 80-90%. I had an incredible season with a really good hatch rate. This year I have switched to a different type of incubator and also to the SIM where the eggs are over, not in (sounds like a cook book) the substrate and I've needed humidity levels of about 95% to get the kind of condensation recommended for this container.


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