Introducing our new "Starlight Line" pairing

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Hello Folks.

As some of you know, we acquired a very exciting, one of a kind leo at Garrick DeMeyer's open house a few months back. He was going to build a whole new breeding project around her, but we were able to finally get him to sell her to us. Thanks Garrick, Adam, and Art!

She is a lavender reverse stripe snow eclipse, and is truly stunning to see in person. She is growing fast, eats great, and has a super tame temperament. We hope to provide "Starlight" leos to those who'd like to get them in the coming months.
The problem however, was to find the right male, because we needed a non-snow lavender reverse stripe boy with similar coloring as her in order to produce babies with her visible traits and lav stripe, and to avoid super snows in the process. We searched and searched until we finally found the one of a kind boy we were looking for thanks to Paul Allen who pointed him out to me from ID Geckos offerings. The similarities to her were incredible, meant to be, and we were ecstatic to be able to find the closest male we could have hoped for for this project. Thanks to Paul and Hailey for completing our pairing. These should really produce amazing kids.....

Starlight (female):

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Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
I'll get a better picture of him up soon. He is really quite a handsome boy and his lav stripe is great.

The thing that amazes us about her, is we got her at 35g and she is now 57g and her markings and coloring have gotten even better, and her lav stripe is super bright lav, so she will hold all these colors and markings into maturity.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Nice! I was wondering whatever happened to the 'find a male' thread! What cross did Orion come from? Great project!

Orion is not snow or eclipse. After talking to several breeders to get their input on just the right male, all agreed that we needed just a plain lavender rev stripe male, so that's what he is. We wanted to keep things simple with the male because our goal is to bring out her traits in the babies.

There were a few awesome snow males available which would have been great as well, but that would have given us 50% super snows, so we wanted a basic lav rev stripe male. He's growing up fast and while this pic is not a good one of him, his lav stripe is really nice and his gold sides will match up with hers nicely. Plus his markings are quite similar.

We will continue to look for other males in case we find an even better mate for her, but it will be tough to find a match better than Orion. He's going to be a big boy too, and he has a great personality. I think we'll provide the leo community with some nice leos from this pairing.


Hi Ray ~

I'm glad I could help you find your perfect male! :) I hope he helps you produce exactly what you are striving for.

Best Regards,

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