Introducing our new "Starlight Line" pairing

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Thanks for all the nice comments on our Starlight project. Several have now requested to be on an offspring list for this project, so I think at this point we should close that list for now so we can also leave some animals for sale to the other folks who are not listed and who may want a chance to buy one.

For those of you who have signed on for them, we'll contact you as juvies start to mature and become available.....we are looking at late Spring, is my best guess. Starlight is getting huge and is ready to breed, but the male will take some time to grow up for her. I hope he's a big boy or he could have his hands full with her!

Thanks all.

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
I really like super snows, so it wouldn't break my heart if we found an awesome snow male with markings like hers. I just think we may be hard pressed to find a male with better similarities to her than Orion. The bigger he gets the more he looks like her.

Her colors and markings are not changing any more, other than a bit sharper and more defined. Looks like she will hold the way she is, now at 61grams and just a youngster yet. I'm thrilled that her lav stripe is still so bright and holding.


New Member
beautiful geckos for sure :D

i love the female! the male is quite beautiful too, i hope he keeps his bold black lines around his reverse stripe!

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