Is Sharing a Gecko a Bad Idea?


New Member
Miami, FL
I'd like to add something here. I don't know about pet stores in general, just the local ones I see. I don't know anything about reptilian parasites, and haven't had mine tested for them. Heck, I don't even know a reptile vet in my area, though I'm sure someday the need will arise, or I'll think to ask a herper in my area. But one thing I do know is that poor Cola is noticeably absent in this thread from early on and the previous off-topic discussion should either be in pm's or it's own thread, but certainly not in one about sharing a leo or not. If I was new and started this thread, I would be pretty weirded out and more hesitant to post again in the future.

Not that the discussion shouldn't be had, but we should be sensitive, at least to the original poster.

I agree. I have tried to end this convo multiple times and have apologized to Cola as well. PMs from now on.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
What would you suggest I learn from? To not try and help a new herp owner? To not share my opinion? To not tell my experiences? Or to not defend where I stand on a topic?

How about to back up your assertions with facts rather than emotions and prejudiced opinion, and to not exaggerate your qualifications and procedures performed?


New Member
Miami, FL
How about to back up your assertions with facts rather than emotions and prejudiced opinion, and to not exaggerate your qualifications and procedures performed?

I have not put any emotional effort into this what so ever. I have laid down the facts to my side of this story. As far as your accusation that my opinions are prejudice, every single opinion any one person has is based on a prejudice because thats what it is, an opinion. I think this way because I have experienced this. Prejudice aka Opinion. Never once did i exaggerate my qualifications. I stated that I went to Veterinary school, have had multiple pet store leos, and gave my personal experiences with those leos. Others can assume what they like but unlike a verbal discussion, this one is in black and white in front of your face.
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