I notice a trend with people talking about parasites... The large majority of reptile in captivity have some sort of parasite load... This is a fact... I bet that if anyone here had their geckos tested there will be some sort of parasite found if the proper tests are done...
Things like parasites and impaction are not the things that kill reptiles in captivity... Poor husbandry kills reptiles in captivity... There are pet stores and breeder that have poor husbandry practices... In contrast, there are MANY breeders at pet stores that practice proper husbandry...
Like everything else, individual breeders and pet stores should be looked into before you jump and make a purchase...
I notice a trend with people talking about parasites... The large majority of reptile in captivity have some sort of parasite load... This is a fact... I bet that if anyone here had their geckos tested there will be some sort of parasite found if the proper tests are done...
Things like parasites and impaction are not the things that kill reptiles in captivity... Poor husbandry kills reptiles in captivity... There are pet stores and breeder that have poor husbandry practices... In contrast, there are MANY breeders at pet stores that practice proper husbandry...
Like everything else, individual breeders and pet stores should be looked into before you jump and make a purchase...
PS. Lickin, I have tried that and corporate didn't seem to care at all. Neither regional corporate, state, midwestern corperate, nor national gave two hoots about my complaint that their animals were being mistreated by being housed on calci/vita sand, that several showed signs of things like mbd or other improper care (mind you this location had been very up on their animals prior to this incident). The only thing that showed me they cared any modicum was that they took my call... and continued to transfer me through the different levels of corporate until I got fed up with their statement that they provided only the top quality vet approved products, and care methods etc etc. I agree though there really is a store to store and moment to moment (within each store) change in how well the animals are cared for.
PPS. That last post script came off harsh. I just was frustrated by their garbage every time I called and had to give up.
I apologize for any ill feelings. I was originally just trying to deal with the myth that pet store leos are primarily ill by default. I am no champion of any place or person that might practice poor husbandry. There's good and bad in a variety of sources as I am sure you know.
As for the testing claims and the Vet school statement, well, something seems to not add up and I am happy to let the poster make things lucid for me.
I'd rather discuss ideas.
I agree with you. It's not a fair or reasonable assumption to state that just because a gecko (or ANY reptile for that matter) is purchased from a pet store, it is "ill by default." I have purchased geckos from reputable breeders that had pinworms. It happens. And as you've previously stated, many of the big breeders supplying those chains are also selling geckos to the private sector - so many times, they are one in the same.
It is fine for anyone to have the opinion that they would not like to support "big chain" or "any kind of" pet store, and that they would just like to buy from breeders. And it may very well be that some peoples' experiences lead them to feel or believe that pet stores of whatever size are not a good place for them to buy reptiles. It certainly helps my cause.However, it isn't fair to perpetuate the idea that people *shouldn't* buy geckos from pet stores due to certain illness and parasitic content. Many happy geckos owners - on this very forum - found one or more of their geckos in a pet store - and those geckos are thriving.
Back to the original poster's comment - best of luck in whatever you choose. Weigh the pros and cons of both, and then you'll make the best decision you can.![]()
I agree with you. It's not a fair or reasonable assumption to state that just because a gecko (or ANY reptile for that matter) is purchased from a pet store, it is "ill by default."
--Could you show me where I wrote that please?
so many times, they are one in the same.
--As I said earlier, it is not the breeders, but the conditions and husbandries of the stores.
However, it isn't fair to perpetuate the idea that people *shouldn't* buy geckos from pet stores due to certain illness and parasitic content.
--Its not fair to forewarn a person about the possible consequences of an act? I suggested another option. I never stated anything except my opinion and politely added another source for a leopard gecko.
This forum has turned from a nice happy go lucky place for people to talk about herps to a place where everyone and everything is getting bashed for something. I will shortly be resigning from GF.
After reading each word and each page of this thread from the beginning to the end, I have come to the conclusion that what I am feeling is toxic. What started out on this thread has turned into an attack on someone that was only stating her opinon. I joined this forum to learn, give, and get advise and share experiences, this is no longer so. I have got to the place where I don't even want to write my own opinon because of negetive side effects. For those who have befriend me here, thank you. I have learned so much and had fun when it was. It is time to move on where all of our opinons count, where we are all equals as leopard gecko lovers and not ment to feel inadequet. Remember, we all started out the same here, newbies. May you all find Peace and Love in your hearts and maybe put your energy into something that will help this unfolded world that we live in. Shalom
Awe, Bridgette. I never meant for ANY of my posts to make yours seem ill thought out or anything! I really hope that I did not offend you with any of my opinions. That was indeed not my intent and if you felt that way from me than I am terribly sorry.
However, I do feel like even though several people were trying to make their arguments, they did so in very harsh manners and I really dont think that is fair.
Several times when I read (Through each post) I felt that a certain specific person was being very personal and very mean. And in my opinion, they have a history of doing so. Which is why I just try to stay away from any thread concerning them.
I really wish that this debate would have been dealt with in a nice, responsible, mature way were we can all just get along. And I just dont think that it was very nice for them to pick at EVERY single word you said.
Most of the time, when I am on here... it is very late and I am very tired and I sometimes dont think about EVERY word I say. Will I be called out on because of it?
Thanks Melanie and no you did not offend me one bit. I agreed with most everything you said, I often do. I've had many pet store leos myself, I was just trying to spare this kid some of the heartbreak and financial burden that I've experienced. I never said that there are no healthy leos in petstores or anything of that caliber. I have seen your babies and they ARE lovely. As far as you being called out on every word, well I can not in honesty say I would be surprised if you were for something as pointless as what I was called out for.
And your opinion is respected! And should be. If you have had terrible experiences with your purchasing history at a certain place, than why not be allowed to talk about it? If someone was sharing their experience, I would as always, take it with a grain of salt. SomeONE's experience cannot be generalized for that specific something happening all of the time. So you have had terrible experiences.. and apparently another person has had great experiences. And hopefully someone else will chime in with their feedback.
I find it very educating to get all of the feedback possible before I end up taking the plunge and purchasing something myself. And lets face it, at a chain store, to buy the animal and all of the supplies it is usually very expensive! I would be grateful for every feedback possible and I would hope that people would respect your opinion and than voice their own.
Thank you. It means a lot that you are willing to stretch out in my favor. I compeltely agree with what your saying. However I do not feel like this is a respectful forum like it used to be and I certainly do not feel that my opinions are respected, especially by two people. I will be taking my opinions elsewhere it seems.
I agree with you. It's not a fair or reasonable assumption to state that just because a gecko (or ANY reptile for that matter) is purchased from a pet store, it is "ill by default."
--Could you show me where I wrote that please?
so many times, they are one in the same.
--As I said earlier, it is not the breeders, but the conditions and husbandries of the stores.
However, it isn't fair to perpetuate the idea that people *shouldn't* buy geckos from pet stores due to certain illness and parasitic content.
--Its not fair to forewarn a person about the possible consequences of an act? I suggested another option. I never stated anything except my opinion and politely added another source for a leopard gecko.
This forum has turned from a nice happy go lucky place for people to talk about herps to a place where everyone and everything is getting bashed for something. I will shortly be resigning from GF.
However I do not feel like this is a respectful forum like it used to be and I certainly do not feel that my opinions are respected, especially by two people. I will be taking my opinions elsewhere it seems.
This forum has turned from a nice happy go lucky place for people to talk about herps to a place where everyone and everything is getting bashed for something. I will shortly be resigning from GF.
After reading each word and each page of this thread from the beginning to the end, I have come to the conclusion that what I am feeling is toxic. What started out on this thread has turned into an attack on someone that was only stating her opinon. I joined this forum to learn, give, and get advise and share experiences, this is no longer so. I have got to the place where I don't even want to write my own opinon because of negetive side effects. For those who have befriend me here, thank you. I have learned so much and had fun when it was. It is time to move on where all of our opinons count, where we are all equals as leopard gecko lovers and not ment to feel inadequet. Remember, we all started out the same here, newbies. May you all find Peace and Love in your hearts and maybe put your energy into something that will help this unfolded world that we live in. Shalom
The best way to handle the situation would be to learn from it.