Aura just came out and "made diarhea-poopy" and went into the cold-hide again. I will post the stool photos from 2 nights ago:
Karma: white-gel, very little urate
Rex: adequate feces, but kinda mushy
Aura, "nice form" feces..looks
Then I will post Aura's diahrea from tonight (5 minutes ago now...then she went in the cold-hide and will probably return to the moist-hide), Karma's little urate earlier tonight is posted above, and Rex has been sleeping in the cold-then-hot hides all day/night (as mentioned above) but I think he slipped out and went-potty in front of the hot-hide 10 minutes ago while I was typing this post.
Aura's diarhea tonight
Rex??, tonight.
Any experts on feces? Rex's look "formed", Karma's are white (or nothing because she hasn't eaten), and Aura's was ok last night and vomit/diarhea/stay-away-from-hot-hide tonight. Also, is it relevant that Aura and Rex each ate 1 waxworm last night?

Karma: white-gel, very little urate

Rex: adequate feces, but kinda mushy

Then I will post Aura's diahrea from tonight (5 minutes ago now...then she went in the cold-hide and will probably return to the moist-hide), Karma's little urate earlier tonight is posted above, and Rex has been sleeping in the cold-then-hot hides all day/night (as mentioned above) but I think he slipped out and went-potty in front of the hot-hide 10 minutes ago while I was typing this post.

Aura's diarhea tonight

Rex??, tonight.
Any experts on feces? Rex's look "formed", Karma's are white (or nothing because she hasn't eaten), and Aura's was ok last night and vomit/diarhea/stay-away-from-hot-hide tonight. Also, is it relevant that Aura and Rex each ate 1 waxworm last night?
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