Just got 3 leo's about 3 weeks ago. Have concerns about not eating and behavior.


New Member
Thanks for explaining about the photo storage options. Now that I think about it, I start to wonder if it was really Aura that vomited the waxworm. There is an outside possibility that Karma threw up her waxworm because her belly was already full?

Someone gave me an old nasty 10gal aquarium. I ordered an UTH and repticarpet so I can set something up for someone to live separately soon. Then I have to decide who to move.

Rex (male) so I can remove the cardboard divider and the crickets won't be able to climb it & hide? Karma because she is eating healthier and maybe producing better feces? Or Aura so she can live alone and be monitored specifically for intake/output?

Decisions decisions. :(


New Member
It might be good to move Rex to his own tank. Partly for the cricket thing, that sounds obnoxious! Then, you could evenly split the big tank for the girls while you monitor their recovery, and when they are better, you can either consider removing the divider or getting a smooth-surface divider (such as glass or plexiglass) that'd not only look better but also keep crickets from climbing it. They just climb it, they don't climb over it, right?
The other option is to move Rex to give the girls the whole tank to themselves, undivided. It might help lower their stress levels a bit to have more space available to them to stay apart from each other.


New Member
They just climb it, they don't climb over it, right?

I know you are probably concerned with crickets spreading any possible illness/parasite, but they were all three housed together and not eating to begin with. At this point they are all "quarantined" together for the longterm. The separate tank is just for other purposes/benefits as we both mentioned above. The extra space will be helpful.


New Member
I was wondering more if they climbed over it because it would be hard to know exactly how many crickets were actually being eaten by each gecko if they were escaping into the other side :)


Ridgewood, NJ
You may be able to find a new 10 gallon for around $10-15 rather than sticking a $15 heater to a crappy one. I use the crappy ones for the mice as those buggers know how to ruin a cage quick! The ammonia residue from their pee can also stick around and cause respiratory issues for other animals if not cleaned super good. I'd let it soak in 10% bleach for a few hours and then in water for a few more to get rid of anything lingering.

Seeing as they were all living together before so they came in direct contact, controlling disease or contact from crickets is, IMO, moot. If they could have caught anything from one another they have it by now if one is sick (and I still say IF - this all could be stress related!). Worrying about contact seems like a waste to me, I would focus more on understanding which gecko is having an issue and what the issue is. If you know two of the geckos are eating well and are concerned with the third I might move her so you can monitor her eating and pooping/regurgitating more closely and not guess as to which gecko it came from. That's important information to decide if a gecko is sick or simply stressed by something (it may even be something other than the cage mates that hasn't been discussed) and if one is sick, which one and how sick. The power of hypothetico-deduction!

Good luck!


New Member
DrC (can I call you that? :)),

I agree: "quarantine from each other is 'moot'". That's why I meant earlier that I am not concerned if crickets can move from 1 side of the divider to the other. Since it has been longest since Aura ate and she is most-shy, I think I will be putting her in the solo-tank when all that stuff comes in.

Thanks for the tips on water-soaking the tank to help remove the ammonia residue.

Tonight I am trying to feed crickets and/or mealworms to each individually in a critter-keeper. I know the stress of being out of the tank may prevent them from eating, but it's worth a try just in case I can confirm someone eating, how much, and what.

I would love to find a $1/gallon sale, so I can buy about 5 of the 20Gallon-Long tanks. :)


New Member
Watch Aura's charming Tail-Dance. I don't know what or who she was stalking, but a noise from the room (outside the tank) spooked her....scaredy-gecko!! :)


New Member

Aura's belly Dec 17, 2013.....fat pockets on lower abdomen (?)





^^^^This last pic is Aura on Nov 29, 2013 (2 1/2 weeks ago, tail was bigger) :(


New Member
Looks like she has turned less pale and a lot more "sunglow-ish" unless it is just awkward lighting causing the pics to appear different??

Rex, Karma, and Aura did not eat mealworms last night or crickets in the critter carrier tonight, so I am going to leave the mealies in their bowls and see if they eat them. When the mealies are gone or dead, I will "fast" them for 4 days to make sure they should be hungry before I try crickets again.

I found 2 mealworm shells wadded together in Rex's side, but he didn't eat any last night. I don't know if he pooped them or threw them up. From my notes, I think he ate 9 mealworms during the night before last. I found a drop of poop in Rex's area, and random specs of poop/urate in the female area.
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New Member
I noticed that! Could definitely be the lighting, lighting always likes to screw with your pictures... Could also be from better nutrition and heating. Despite the feeding issues, she's definitely getting better care than she would at the pet store! That can brighten up colors. Also, they do change with every shed, so there's that. I'd call her a phenotypic super hypo, IMO. But I can't make any claims at her genotype. She looks much prettier now! Also, that tail dance of hers was pretty adorable ^-^ I love it when they do that!
I had some very minor issues getting my gecko Poppy to eat at first. First of all, she was a shy eater and wouldn't eat when anyone was watching. Once she got over that, she decided she didn't like the mealworms in the bowl. Not squirmy enough, I guess. I started moving her to a tub about the size of her cage to feed, and letting the mealies loose. She figured it out pretty quick after the first time of doing that, the glutton. She ate more later on, but the minor stress of being taken out of her cage wasn't enough to keep her from eating apparently!


New Member
I am having difficulties viewing the site for a couple days, but i finally fought the site to post the weights.
Karma: 27g
Rex: 30g
Aura: 32g

and my wife's classroom leo, Ninja (newest and youngest): 31g

Ninja eats 15+ crickets per day easily and looms visibly smaller but plumper than Rex and Karma. :( + :)


New Member
Well, it's been close to a month since the Leo's were eating regularly. Their urate/poop has been nothing more than a speck/spatter. :( Karma is now in her own 10g full setup, so each of them have their own space.

I have been keeping daily notes so I can will be able to monitor (and remember) how much/often any of them eat.

My wife's Leo, Ninja, and my new Leo, Shadow (name pending) each ate more last night than Karma, Aura, and Rex combined in the last 3 weeks. :( Shadow weighs 15grams and will probably catch up & pass K, A, and R.

I have tried bumping up the floor temp to 94 (from 91) and decreasing stress. Tonight I dosed K, A, and R with Jumpstart.....so the "no stress" went out the window. Aura diarhea'd all over my hand. It's kinda strange that she "had it in her" because she hasn't "pooped" anything but a speck of urate in almost a week.?? I guess her metabolism/digestion is on vacation (brumation maybe?).?

**Update: An hour later, Karma threw up the jumpstart and whatever other fluid was in her stomach.

An hour and a half after the jumpstart, Aura came out and finished diarhea-ing a clear liquid on the stairs, which seems to be her favorite go-spot. I'm gonna take them out and throw them away bc I am tired of doing the ammonia/sanitize/rinse routine every time she "goes". :(

Rex is sleeping...as always.
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Winchester, UK
im sorry to hear your still having problems.
the lack of eating could be burmation, which is normal. all the geckos them selves look to be in a healthy state.
there are a few things that can upset their tummies. too many wax worms will and the tank being too hot can too. have you still got all those lights on in their tank? if its too hot it could be the reason why they spend so much time in the wet hide.


New Member
I dont use the daytime lights fir over a week (anti-stress therapy) and the night bulb is a 40w heat red to keep ambient air from 84ish hot to low 70's cool. Aura is losing her fattail and the other two are starting to stick-tail. Im pretty sure now that pe_sm__t had an entire batch contaminate each other. :(


Winchester, UK
aww how sad :(. it happened to me once too, not from that place but the whole collection had to be euthanased. are those pictures not recent the? because they look okay in them.

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