Juvenile Gecko eating a cricket too big for him

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
Im a bit worried, my gecko ate a cricket that might've been a bit too big for him, he ate him and then i woke up the next day and he had either vomited or pooped him out. The cricket was in one piece covered in goop so there was no chewing or digestion so i think he swallowed him whole.36 hours later he hasnt eaten a thing so im concerned. Is it possible there mightve been some damage?? The heat in my 20 gallon was a bit low like in the 80 to 85 range so im hoping maybe thats what the problem is. I picked up a heat bulb to supplement my UTH and that is picking up the temps already but im worried that maybe he hurt himself. Any info is appreciated.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
It probably swallowed it and then vomited it. Maybe he's a little gunshy. I imagine he'll be fine pretty soon.



It's a BEAUT Clark!
He should be just fine. These little guys will surprise you with what they are capable of eating. I have 1 month olds mowing down almost full size crickets like they are nothing. I'm sure he just regurgitated the cricket and will get back into the normal swing of things very soon :)

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
Well he still isn't eating, do Juvie's go on hunger strikes? They seem to be somewhat common in adults. I was really worried because he was also sluggish and also would not keep his eyes open for more than 5 seconds at a time but he seemed somewhat active last night and this morning. When i left for work i found him in the humid hide for th first time ever so that was encouraging....But either way im taking him to the vet tomorrow, to get a look over and make sure nothing is wrong. I made the rookie mistake of going to a petstore so im concerned about sand impaction.


New Member
i had this discussion about what geckos can really eat with my gf and if u think about it when they r in the wild they wouldn't pass up a meal on size if they can over power it so give the gecko time. Sand will always be a debate but i would get rid of it to be on the safe side.

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
Yeah he does look kind pale, do they stop eating when they are about to shed?

No i don't have him on sand but the store where i bought him from has all their leo's on sand.


Im pretty sure the little guy will be ok. Just wondering, if you had a baby(human baby), would you try to feed it a 1 pound cheeseburger? Just don't feed your leo too big of a cricket next time until it gets to that size where it can safely eat it, for the meanwhile try and feed it mealworms if you like.

Leopardo Geckaprio

New Member
It wasnt a full sized cricket i only purchase the smaller size, but this guy was the big one in the bunch, but im almost certain that isnt an issue at this point. Its either shedding or something else, ill find out tomorrow for sure. Thanks all for the feedback


i think he wil be fine, my adult leo will take down adult dubias and they look HUGE compared to her head! shes loves them! your should be fine.



I have a hatching that can eat full size supers, so they are capable of quite a bit :) It was probably just shedding.


New Member
Saint Louis, MO
Im pretty sure the little guy will be ok. Just wondering, if you had a baby(human baby), would you try to feed it a 1 pound cheeseburger? Just don't feed your leo too big of a cricket next time until it gets to that size where it can safely eat it, for the meanwhile try and feed it mealworms if you like.

Poor analogy.

You shouldn't feed a human baby a little cheeseburger, either, for digestive reasons.

Reptiles are ready-to-go and pretty much autonomous once they have recovered from the strain of hatching. Smaller, non-reproductive versions of adults. In humans, this is different. Human babies are, in many ways, very much not the same as miniature adults.

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