Labret Piercing


New Member
It all started with a spare sterilized needle and jewelry. I wanted, and still want, to prove a point to my cousin that I don't care what she thinks I should look like as long as I'm happy with what I look like.

Boredom, and my labret was pierced. My boyfriend, body piercer, didn't have his forceps, so he didn't feel comfortable doing my tongue freehand.

But, after a day, I decided I didn't like it, and it wasn't worth it to keep it in to prove a point, which wouldn't be proved because I didn't even like the piercing.

I recieved my smaller barbell in the mail today, and I sort of regret taking it out.


I'm possibly thinking about getting it again with a much smaller ball. What do you guys think? does it fit my face? I realize it's a side picture, but I hate taking my own pictures from the front.


New Member
with a much small ball it would look nice yes but that ball in the photo is too large for your face. you need something small because you have a small petite face.

i think you should go for it :D


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
As long as you don't care about the scars later, go for it! I got tired of my labret and took it out, changed my mind had it pierced again and then decided to take it out permanently as it was causing gum damage. Now I have scars that bug me now and then. If you decide to re-pierce it, keep an eye on your teeth. Oral reconstructions are very expensive.


New Member
Mel: I don't mind about scars; I do worry a little about the gum recession.

My boyfriend had his labret for years, and it's been out for a year, give or take, and he still has a hole in his face. The tissues closed, but the hole in his skin is still there.

I do appreciate the replies guys. I'm thinking I'll jsut try something else... Maybe eyebrow. Ha. I dunno...


And that is exactly why I have, and have had, so many :)

As long as you have good aftercare and keep it clean, then the scar will be minimal. I have had my nostrils pierced 15+ times, and I have zero scars.
I have my vertical labret pierced, because I also worried about the piercing messing with my teeth [I have my tongue pierced as well, but I use acrylic balls] I have 3mm balls on my labret piercing, and they are very small and dainty, my past employers who dont even like piercings let me have it because it wasnt huge and obvious [like when I wear visible jewelry in my septum, no one is okay with septum piercings haha]
A vertical labret is when the piercing enters through the normal labret spot, but instead of going through the back, it instead goes through the top of your lip, and you use a curved barbell instead of a post, it is also a lot more painful.

I wasnt going to say anything about your reasoning, but I guess I add a note. I dont get why people get modifications for other people. Its kindof shallow IMO. I have 4 piercings that no one could see, and no one would know about unless i showed them or told them that I have them. I get my piercings for me, because I like them, and I think they are beautiful.

Saying that you are going to get a facial piercing to prove to someone that you dont care what they think, completely defeats the purpose. Doing something to "prove" something to someone else, ONLY goes to show that you care what they think. If you didnt care, you would do what you like, because you like it, and say F it to everyone else. Getting a piercing that you didnt like to prove a point to someone else, is also the complete opposite of of getting a piercing because it makes you happy.

If you decide to get re-pierced [because for some reason you suddenly changed your mind on how you feel about the aesthetics of the piercing] you need to let it heal completely and then re-pierce it. Re-piercing scar tissue is also more painful then piercing virgin skin.
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Well, I have never had anything pierced, so0o, i cant really relate in anyway :p sry


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
go for it. the big ball looks fine. i had a double labret, and it it was done too low and it really tore up my gums so i took them out. i regretted it sooo bad i had to get it repierced. and may i add..... the great thing about facial hair is that if i need to look "proper" i can just let my goatie grow out a bit. but over all i think it looks fine.

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