leo food preference change


New Member
so ive had my leo for just over a week now. she was on a strictly mealworm diet and was eating mealworms all up until today. i fed her a cricket last feeding and she wiggled her tail in excitement and then stopped with mealworms. i had one last cricket left and thats all she would eat and turns her head at mealworms. any way to get her back onto mealworms? i heard some say to try one waxworm but im scared to try them. i hate crickets they die in a week


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you get some smaller crickets they will live longer and grow (as long as you're feeding them powdered grain and not only those colored cubes which are really just water). When I was breeding I brought up all my hatchlings on mealworms but the ones I kept got bored with mealworms eventually and switched to crickets. You can always keep offering mealworms and wait the gecko out.



if you want you can try and breed your own crickets. even if they only last a week you will have enough time for them to lay eggs and get it going abit . all you need is. Vermiculite as the substrate its very good to remove the odor and keep the feces from being disgusting. some place for them to climb and hide from the others otherwise they fight and eat eachother. then you get a cup/dish with earth soil in it and place it in on of the corners of the tank/box where you keep the crickets. then after a while the crickets will lay eggs in the dish/cup of soil.

you can take out the cup/dish of soil after a few days and place it in a new tank/plastic tub and let it be there for a week. be sure to look after a few days tho if some of the cricket eggs have hatched then you can leave some juice fruit or vegetable for them to eat when they hatch. and.. thats about it really. there are a few videos on youtube but most do it this way.

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