My 5 year old leopard gecko, Lena, hasn’t been eating lately and my parents think we need to rehome her. I got her from a breeder at a reptile convention when she was a few months old and she’s never had any problems except for not eating at times. Well, she’s had eyesight issues which affect her ability to eat but I know eyesight is a common issue amongst leos. But we’ve been handling her eating habits like how she won’t eat anything but three mealworms for two weeks or she’ll eat 15 once a week. She’s never been consistent even though we’ve tried. I go to college an hour away from home, so my parents have been caring for Lena for a year and they can’t stand the feeding issues and my dad says we need to find some options to rehome her within the near future. I don’t want to, but it’s not really my choice because I’m not the one taking care of her anymore. I’ve searched all over the internet and I still don’t know what to do about this because I can’t find any rescues or places I can surrender a possibly sick gecko, and I do not feel comfortable selling her or giving her away to someone just willynilly, and I really don’t want to ship her anywhere. What do I do?