Leopard gecko desktop background thread?



Funny thing about the crestie pic with the cricket. The page was loading very slowly and first showed the cricket, then the gecko....I just had this strange feeling it was going to be animated and the gecko was going to eat it. :main_laugh:


New Member
ink_scorpion said:
Viva le PhotoShop! :main_thumbsup:

that lady really takes some fantastic photos of her geckos and snakes but i agree this one has been photoshopped. it just a desktop though :)


bleeding_sarcasm said:
I always change my desktop to whatever my latest "series" of pictures is... here are a few high res leos...

If anyone ever sees pictures of mine that they would like higher quality versians of for uses like that... always feel free to ask, i usually keep the originals laying around just in case.

What's the trick? How do you get such nice pics?


geckoracing said:
What's the trick? How do you get such nice pics?

haha, magic camera?

practice practice practice! Im not going to pretend like i know anything. Ive never used a 35mm in my life, or taken a photography class in my life. I just read stuff online, and read the manual hahah.

no really tho, i do have a nice camera, but when i had a point and shoot, that was pretty good too:


taking pictures is probably my favorite part of having animals. haha, its like i have animals so i can take pictures of them :p Its the most interaction i have with them since i dont ever hold anything! haha.

I need to learn how to take pictures in a large format! i always set my camera to take the smallest pictures possible, which means i cant print anything out :bigcry: eventually i will get a an external harddrive, and utilize the full 9 mega pixels ;)

and i promise, to also step up my f-stop, and down my ISO hahah.

thank you guys!


bleeding_sarcasm said:
I always change my desktop to whatever my latest "series" of pictures is... here are a few high res leos...


Thank you those are wonderful photos and leos!


I have a Sony CD500 5MP and after seeing your pictures I decided to go and try and read the manual. Grrr I could understand the words, but well was still just so lost. I guess I need someone to teach me how to use my camera.



This is one i took with my very user friendly 7mp kodak c743.

Thumbnail because it is large, imageshack still resizes it - but you may be able to click on it once more and see a full size image.

It is also taken through the glass of the tank.
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I never use the full 8 megapixels. thats really only needed if you print out pictures, which i dont do.

my first camera was a canon powershot a95, i am canon faithful, and their a series is like their "economy" series, which is basicly idiot-proof, but suprizingly has ALOT of manual options that i didnt realize untill later. theire newer versian of the a95, which was 5 megapixels, is thew ne a630, which like retails for $300 now, and has a full 8 mega pixels. keep in mind i paid $400 when mine first came out almost 3 years ago.

Now i use a canon 350d [digital rebel xt] with the kit lens. the major reason i wanted to upgrade, was because the camera rarely focused where I wanted it to focus, something theyve fixed with the later powershots.

there are only a few basics about cameras that you need to know.
ISO is the "film speed" even tho digital cameras dont use film, its the same idea.
the higher the film speed, the faster the shutter speed that you get. the lower the ISO, the slower the shutter speed. seems fine and dandy, however, with a higher ISO, you get more grainy pictures, or in digital the more "noise" all of the pictures i linked to, were very noisy.

so lower ISO = better

then there is f-stop, that is the SIZE of the opening that lets light through, to properly expose the film. its kindof like gauge in metal. a smaller number means a bigger opening, or aperature, and a bigger number = a smaller one.
with a very large opening you dont need much light = faster shutter speed, however, you also get a small "depth of feild" which, if you look at my gargoyle gecko picture, only has the face in focus and everything else is blurry? thats because my f-stop was too low, i have a shallow depth of field.
with a larger f-stop/smaller opening, it takes more light, however, more of the picture is in focus.

so higher f-stop # = better, i usually go with like an f18

most digitial cameras let you do an "aperature priority" which lets you set what f-stop you want, and then the camera automaticly adjusts the shutter speed so that you get the correct exposure in your pictures [not too bright, not too dark]

because you are dealing with something that is moving [like a gecko] and because youre most likely working without a tripod, you want a decently fast shutter speed, which, while youre learning, means you have to sacrafice other things, like depth of field, and noise-free pictures.

the best way to combat that is with the right type of lighting. if you really love doing it, light boxes are fairly easy to construct, and gets you even, bright light, without alot of harsh shaddows.

i am too lazy to make a light box, so i use a compact florescent light that is supported on either side, with a sterylite tub in the middle. which gives me pretty harsh shaddows, but its bright enough, that i can have a pretty fast shutter speed [i hate using a flash, it always washes everything out, and it must hurt being that close to something and flashing bright light into its face. ]

other then that. manual white balance is my friend, each light has a different color, flo lights are very blue/green, so if you do a manual white balance, the camera takes pictures with the right color, and all you really have to worry about as far as editing goes, is cropping and stamping/watermarking.

light from your direction, instead of from above, the side, or behind. and take lots and lots of pictures. usually out of 1,000 pictures, i get ~ 40 that i love.
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this thread should be in the "show off your leos" section :)

anyways, i loved the photos with the flowers that have been popping up so I took a few myself. This little gal ( hopefully.. unsexed ) just loves posing for pictures! She is only about a month and a half old and survived the other 2 geckos i brought home from petsmart about a month ago. She is growing very well and eats well on her own.



This is one of my favorite pics and it was on my desktop for a long time


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