I just got a female sunglow delivered to me today...Im not saying who from ...YET...(waiting to see if he will resolve it). Anyway, I believe she has a cleft lip or deformed nostril, or mishaped upper lip? Really looks like a cleft lip to me? like the upper lip goes up into the nostril? Otherwise looks healthy, very pretty orange color, but Im REALLY upset about this. I paid with paypal, thinking I was covered, but I hear youre only covered if its purchased thru e-bay:main_no: I'll try to post some pix later tonight...I actually feel sick about this, and angry:main_angry:The guy I bought her from is a VET! He should've seen this! I unfortunately only ever saw pix of her from above (camera stratigically placed?) Never a facial shot. (learned my lesson anyway) My whole purpose of getting her was to breed her, but I wont breed her if she has a deformity that will be passed on to babies...I looked up cleft lip on leopard geckos online...but found nothing! Has anyone ever heard of this before?