Leos together or alone?!?!


New Member
can a leo strive by himself or is he better off with a companion i have a male now and kind of want another one but not sure if i should put him together with a female if i dont want them to breed. Lack of space if there were any more baby leos running around here, but anyways whats best or are both equally good?



Staff member
Somerville, MA
The general wisdom is that leos do better alone. I have mine in groups and have the males (for the most part) alone when it's not breeding season and they seem to do equally well. Leos don't need companionship; they are not set up to be social animals. THere is always the exception that proves the rule, though. I do have one male leo who seems to be calmer and less likely to spend the evening trying to dig himself out of the cage if there is another leo in with him, even though the female with him is in the magnet hide 24/7.

If you put a female in with your male it is highly likely that they will breed.



Company or not?

The general wisdom is that leos do better alone. I have mine in groups and have the males (for the most part) alone when it's not breeding season and they seem to do equally well. Leos don't need companionship; they are not set up to be social animals. THere is always the exception that proves the rule, though. I do have one male leo who seems to be calmer and less likely to spend the evening trying to dig himself out of the cage if there is another leo in with him, even though the female with him is in the magnet hide 24/7.

If you put a female in with your male it is highly likely that they will breed.


..............Can't be put any better than Aliza's comments.
I do testing on group togetherness but only using females.
I find her, "there is always the exception" to be very true.
I have upgraded life for some females with companionship.
Activeness, weight grain, more.
Males have less stress on them and less on their female
companion if housed alone. ( including breeding season)
Take care. Good Geckoing. HJ


New Member
I noticed with someone my leos they like to be wit eachother. It's not like they all like eachother, they more or less will pick one or two that they will ALWAYS be with. ( I am only speaking from my experience with my leos... I have 6 in one enclosure at the moment!)


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I like to keep my girls in groups of others their size and they do great. I can understand that for big breeders out of convenience it's just easier to keep them alone. But since I only have 9 leos, it's not that hard for me to keep visual and recorded track of each's health.
I've noticed that mine loooove to hide in the same place together. It doesn't matter if I have 3 hides or 14, they love to pile up and share the warmth. And they lick each other's faces and whatnot, so I think they enjoy it. I also keep my males in with the females for a while during breeding season, and again, they all seem to love it as soon as the male isn't doing his dominant male thing anymore.

But yes, a male and a female together will breed eventually. So if you don't want babies, either you don't let the eggs hatch or you just don't put them together. The latter is the nicer option, for both babies and the mom (who has to go through the whole pregnancy thing).


New Member
far side of sanity
i have 4 juvi females who have been together for 3-4 months,
when i seperated them one stopped eating,
so they all live together in the 40gal.
tyke has a 10gal, and belle has a 20gal long.


New Member
robbie hamper wrote that they live in colonies but everyone else says they are loners???? i keep four in a viv and once i separated one of them she didn't eat until i put her back, all four go in the same hide and i have 5 hides and 1 of them is the moist one, works for me and judging by the responses i'm not alone.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
So, I'm digging up a REALLY old thread, but hey at least I searched!

I am guessing my gecko is pretty young, maybe 4 inches long (I am going to call the petstore tomorrow and see if they know, forgot to ask). Anyways, would it be safer to leave my little guy alone in case it turns out to be a actual GUY or risk getting a companion and hoping they are both girls? I don't want to try and sex him the day after I got him (or her, all of my pets are hims till proven otherwise, haha) so I don't stress him out to much.



Athens, GA
i would definitely keep them separate. if you have a male and female together that are both young, you run the risk of the female getting pregnant too early and not being able to pass the eggs. this can cause death.

you should keep new geckos separate for a couple months anyway tho for quarantine purposes.

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